Sunday, December 26, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
So, about this "Christmas" thing that is coming up. Vickie says because we live in a kennel and there are dogs everywhere, and that some of them will eat anything, well, lets be real....since I EAT ANYTHING, she says we can't have no decorations for Christmas.
So I guess that is ok, since I have no idea what a "Decoration" is. But if it is those cool lights outside of peoples houses that vickie and I see when we go for a ride at night, or if its those really cool houses that we walk past on our walks that smell like a pine forest, well if those are "Decorations" I just might be missin out.
Vickie did give me what she called a "Preview" of what I was in for Christmas morning. I still don't get it.
Whatever that "Preview" was, I found it just a little creepy and I am not so sure I liked it. I guess this weekend is when I will find out what it all means. At least, that is what Vickie said.
Life as I know it has become full circle and I am in the center of it. I LOVE IT. More More More...... Finally Vickie got her snow shoes out and finally I GOT MORE OF THE DEEP STUFF.
Dang it, In comes Vickie, AGAIN..... but I know, if I wait long enough, I am going to get some great entertainment out of this looming confrontation.
I bet it's all that "I am sick, I have a sore leg, I am old and alone in the world" stuff that Allred keeps telling her. Boy I can't believe she fell for that.
Here I think I am going for a walk with friends and Vickie puts me in a downstay and lets all the other dogs walk around me and over me and up to me.
Late addition. Dougal sent me this video of him playing in the snow. Yah us goldens we does love the snow.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
She said he couldn't come play here until after he had had all his shots but she was so excited to see him, that she went for the preview. He really is a cutie and I know for a fact that Zeus is happy that Max has come to live with his family.
Vickie says that it was pretty tough on her when I came to live with her and the others. She said she had forgotton what it meant to have a puppy around.
Not that you HAVE to get into the areas where there is mud. No, there are plenty of nice dry, gravely areas where a guy can play and stay clean....but not my ANNIE