We had a wonderful day yesterday. It started out early and didn't stop until sunset, but before I start to tell you all about it, I thought you would like to click onto this link and see the second coolest tv comercial ever made with dogs.
The first coolest one is with Jamie in it and Vickie has to see if she can find it on you tube for you, but this is really a cool one too.
vickie keeps up with friends from all over the country and Puppy dog Trails found this comercial and put it on their web site to share. Hope you enjoy it. I sure did.......Five times.

what? do I look like a lazy boy. (I mean, yes I look lazy but not like a Lazy Boy Chair)
She just SAT ON ME......
And wouldn't get up.......
This was the first time Alexander came to work with the search dogs so we thought it woudl be fun to just throw him into it whole hog. Yep, we geared him up and had him do the cadaver training.
He was such a good sport to. He helped load the (HRD) material into the tubes and then he went out into a big field and hid the body parts all over.
Some people get a little queezy doing that, but it is a very important part of our training and so it is great when someone comes along who can help us with that part.
Then you throw in a field full of incredibly dilectible cow doo doo smells and other odors, well you can just imagine how tough it is for us.
All of a sudden I am being asked to ignore all those other smells and look only for that teeny tiny smell of human remains.
But of course........for me....... it was No Big Deal......
A school is really great for this kind of training because there is sooooo much scent left over from all the kids who had been there all week.
Also there are tons of rooms and closets and cupboards which we can hide people in so it is like really hard for us to pin point them. We dont' see them, we just smell them. Then we have to find exactly where they are and let our team mate know where to look.
Murphy will scratch at the cupboard he wants opened. Lacy sits and taps at the cupboard, I scratch and whine when I want something opened.
so I stood on my hind feet and sure enough.........I figured out where she was. It was a cool lesson that I used later on in the day, over and over again.
Lacy and Joyce worked an area that was just a little too hard for me. Not that I couldn't have walked along that shelf, it is just that there were about 20 left over lunches from the week before in the cupboards just below. AND I WAS SO HUNGERY. WOW that was a challenge.
So now I am looking for anyone at all in the school when I come to this room. It had this piece of tape hanging from the door which I learned later was to let Vickie know that I was on track. Anyway, I was smelling under the doors along this hall when I came to this room and Wham......I smell that someone is inside. I scratch at the door and tell Vickie that I want IN.
I ran through the whole room, looking and looking when all of a sudden I get this smell. A strong smell of the human in the corner of the room. But still I cannot see them. I smell all along the walls and the floors and NOTHING.
She opened the door and I headed in, expecting to find my missing person immediatly but to my surprise, the room is empty. I cannot see anyone.......
Still the smell is so strong. Suddenly I remembered what I did in the room with the girl in the garbage can and so I stand on my hind legs so I can get higher so I can smell a different area.
For sure, I know what is happening now. It is this closet.......that I am smelling the human behind. Yes, for sure.....the strong smell of human being is behind this wall. Yipee, I have found him, now I just need to find a way to let Vickie know....
Vickie, Open this wall up, hurry hurry, the victim is behind this big red wall. Open Open Open. finally I whined and scratched at the red wall until Vickie opened it up and out came my human.
I had found him.......Yeah...... I am a search dog.....
And how do I know I have done a wonderful incredible job. BOOMERANG BOB..... Yep, out he comes...me and Boomerang Bob.
And still we are not done. Now just for the fun of it, I get to search the whole school to see if I can find my BFF Erin.
And there you have it......Just one Big Ole Fun Day......Thanks so much to all of you who helped make this months training so fun. Since I missed last months training (Vickie and her surgery problems) well it is just great to get back with my friends.
when Vickie told me to "Go Find Erin" I moved right back into "Search Mode" cause after all, it is Erin........I havn't seen Erin for months and months and I LOVE ERIN......so off I went to find her.
It was a "No Brainer" I found her in less than ten minutes cause, that is a human smell I will forever know and love.
I felt a little bad because Lacy and Murhpy got to go on a Search on Friday but this totally makes up for it......
now I am home, Vickie is resting with a ice pack on her knee and I have my favorite bed time toy. I often fall asleep with this in my mouth and if you go by this picture, it appears that I may have done that again.