Dizzy has been with us for about six months now. You know his story, at least most of you do: but heres a quick re-cap.
Dizzy belonged to a really special man who has cerebral palsy or muscular distrophy. (Vickie can't remember) anyway, his family dropped Dizzy off to board while he went into a special home for a bit, but then they never came back for him.
Vickie found them, but they said they would just take Dizzy to the pound and have him put to sleep so Vickie decided to try and help him find a home.
He is about 40 pounds, is neutered and housetrained. He loves to go for walks and even stays with you when he is off lead. He is a bit like me.....almost as perfect....So think about it for a minute, while you read more of my blog and I'll come back to Dizzy and his predicament a little later on.
Well, while they were getting acquainted with each other, I just took off in the sage brush to play. At some point, I can't remember exactly when, I must have sliced my eye on a stick or something.
I didn't really think much of it at the time, so I didn't bring it to Vickies attention, until over the weekend.
It started to bother me some on Saturday and by Sunday I was miserable......Just plain miserable. so of course, first thing Monday morning Vickie calls my pal, Dr. Doughty.
Luckily he and Misty were working early and I got to go right in. Misty had me sit on the scale and I am proud to say I am a healthy 81 pound boy.
then off I went into my special room and there, Vickie and I waited. My eye was hurting and I couldn't open it much. It was really sad.....I know this because Vickie was treating me very lovingly. Cuddling me and telling me not to be nervouse.... Dr. Doughty would fix it.
That was kind of creepy. he had this little blue light that he brought out, then turned out the lights in the room and moved the thing over my eye a couple of times.
All in all, it didn't hurt that much and to be truthful, after the first stuff he put in my eye, I didn't feel much pain at all.
I leaned in to him and took full advantage of the next few minutes. Ahhhh....It has been a tough few days, but I feel better now.
Then I felt the pain in my side and shoulder area and for a minute there I thought maybe I had really hurt myself bad. But, Vickie, being the wise person that she is, gave me a pet, felt my shoulder and side then told me to "Toughen up" and "Stop playing Suicide Boy".
We went home after that and I kind of slept the rest of the afternoon. I was a little sick and threw up a time or two. Vickie was wathcing me like a hawk with her fingers on the speed dial of the phone, to Dr. Doughty's place.....but I didn't need to go. I toughened up and now I feel pretty good. Maybe a little stiff, but pretty good.
Yeah, we are heading for the mountains. Of course when we go, we have to wait until four o'clock or so cause Vickie can't leave the animals alone and we need to wait for Judy but as soon as she got there, we were off.
The flowers were georgous, the lake crystal clear and there was tons of little ground squirrells and chip monks for me to race with. Gosh, they are fast.
Then when Vickie ad I were waiting for them to come back, after our two hour hike through the woods, we saw this fun little blue bird in the tree above us. He hung around for about 15 minutes but flew off when he heard the sound of the atv's
Then Vickie put me inside the trailer so she could take a spin around the area on the ATV and the boys prepared the fire so we could all have hot dogs.
Vickie wasn't gone too long when she came back and called the boys, who all got on the atvs and followed her, leaving me alone, inside the trailer, with those hot dogs just a sitting out there on the table waiting for someone to eat them.
Now why would you run off like that so quickly, leaving good food just sitting out.
So what did I do? Come on now, What would you do? I was hungry. real hungry. So I worked that door and worked it until I figured out how to open it. Well, now I am in food heaven. There are hot dogs, and hot dog buns and all kinds of food just a sitting there.
If it had of been earlier, I might have considered eating only one and leaving one for each of them, but after all, THEY LEFT ME......
SO I ATE THEM ALL... YEP, EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM.....EVERY BIT...AUsta la vista, sionara..see ya later.......(Dont' know how to spell any of that stuff but I know what it means.)
SO I ATE THEM ALL... YEP, EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM.....EVERY BIT...AUsta la vista, sionara..see ya later.......(Dont' know how to spell any of that stuff but I know what it means.)
And you know what.....Them boys weren't even a bit upset with me. They were so excited about seeing the moose and her babies and following them around for an hour that they just said they were glad I was happy and that I didnt' wander off. They are the best
Of course Vickie would never let that happen but she has been told that she only has one more week to find him a home and then she MUST take him to a shelter. She has found a No Kill Shelter in Salt Lake, but would so much rather know that he went to a good family home.
He so much deserves it. Please everyone, please, please, please, help us find Dizzy a home in the next seven days. Please pass this blog along to everyone you know who might know of someone who can help.
So lets all pray for a wiser world....a more caring world....a more thought ful world...... and, from me and all the dogs that I know,
thank you to those of you who give us such good and loving homes. We know we are the lucky ones.
thank you to those of you who give us such good and loving homes. We know we are the lucky ones.
I like your blog idea... I gathered from a friends facebook link you are looking to help dogs find a home or something.. but you might benefit by putting a brief blurb on what this blog is about at the top of the page. just saying..
Thanks Anonymous for the suggestion. I did a quick blurb on this weeks blog and will work on a better one for the future. It is fun to know that all kinds of folks are reading my blog. Being a dog, I just wasn't sure who would be interested in my life. Thanks again and have a really fun week too.
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