Sunday, July 31, 2011

So Here it is.....A Food Award.  I can so relate.....

Here are some rules n'stuff.

1. Thank and link back to the person who like gave you the award.

2. Share seven random facts about yourself.

3. Pass the award onto five deserving recipients. (Okay, it's supposed to be fifteen, but I'm too lazy.) (me too Gary, so I am only doing 5, just like you)

4. Contact those who you have forwarded this award onto.

#1  The Person Who Gave Us This Award

Thanks to Gary and Penny "the modest internet star" from a fun and well written blog site called klahanie
Me and My Vickie enjoy reading all the insights and dreams this man and his dog so well written that you feel like you are right there with them as they experience the gentle side of life that is all around us.
#2. Seven random 'facts' that you are thrilled to know about me.

Since I am only three years old, I am asking My Vickie to write seven random facts about her.....Talk about pulling teeth.  Besides, if you read my blog, you know everything about me you could possibly want to know.

1.  Was working in Yellowstone Park many years ago and while hitchiking to get from one place to another, she and two of her friends were picked up by a guy who had killed a man the night before.  (In Yellowstone History, he was known as "The Cannible")  To My Vickie and her friends, he was very nice.  They guess it was because he was not hungry.....(Figure that one out)

2.  She spent one summer doing Water Ballet.  (Is that something anyone does anymore?)

3. Rarely discusses Religion and Politics but has an strong unwavering beleif in God and liked Bush as President.

4. Once when she was a young girl she chased a big guy down with a two-by-four because he was abusing his horse in front of her.  (Why she isn't in jail is an unknown factor for me, cause that wasn't the only time she has gotten all "Rambo Girl" when a child or animal was being abused.)

5. Thinks that seven things to tell you about is asking way to much.....

6. Loves the early morning hours, be it winter, spring, summer or fall.  It is the peace and quiet, the hours before the rest of the world wakes up. the untouched patterns on fresh fallen snow, the baby birds chirping for thier breakfast,  the quiet of a gentle breeze, the first rays of the morning sunlight....The best time of day..

7. Ok, she is worn out trying to think of anything so I guess you could say, she has a short attention span....
#3 Now I pass this award onto the following five, oh so irresistibly sweet bloggers.

I thought this would be hard, but really, it is the easiest part of all.  It is just that there are so so many blogs that deserve this and picking just three is almost impossible.  But Here Goes:

First One Is the easiest:  I happily send this award along to Mattie.  We have missed her daily insights for the last four weeks.  If you get a chance you should check out her page and read her older posts.  This woman has the purest heart I have ever met, in person or online.  We can only suppose she is going thru a huge loss at this time but know that she will return and when she does, she will fill your heart with joy as she has filled ours.  This is a pure and loving person that it will be my greatest wish to meet on the other side, if I never meet her in this life.

Second, I send this out to the one and only Boondocks and the crew.  After my own heart they are dedicated to caring for those in need.  Heart hugs are a daily offering from Boon and Kudzu to anyone and anything that needs it.  They share their lives by doing many wonderful activities for children and adults in all facets of life.  "You go guy"

Third, To the crew of dogs who really know how to live.  Be it in the cold of winter or the hot hot hot of this years record breaking temps.  Can you guess?  Who do you love to see resting on the air vent, laying on the porch at the end of the day, chillin all the time...of cours it is The OP Pack Thunder, Phantom and Ciara.

Fourth, and a real "No Brainer" is R & K at Rompin and Rollin In the Rockies What a trip it is to go along with R & K and their human as she rides and they run their way through the High Country of Colorado.  With the aid of the wilderness cams and some incredible photography skills, we can watch nature close up and personal.  It is a daily delight of ours and we hope the rest of you will check it out.  Once you are there you will come back again and again.

Fifth, and final for this time, but not because we don't have many many more amazing blogs to choose from, we would like to introduce you to Charlottes Salon and Sir George.   Two of my friends from across the ocean.  Luckily I found a Free Translation Site (of course it is under repair right now) but there are other ones. so just use your search engine and look for Free Translation, so you can read about these two fun and delightful characters.

Well This has been a great way to spend my Sunday Morning, but My Vickie says I have to stop now cause she has to get ready for church.  Sure wish I could go to church with her like Hank does with his family.  On a boat to a beautiful island.   Now that is going to church....

Take care everyone.   Little Willa says to say Hi.

Have a great weekend.




Morning walks are the best. Then of course that is the coolest time in South Florida.


rottrover said...

Oh Bert! What a great award fur a very sweet guy! We totally agree with your choice of awardees - at least the ones that we know. We will happily check out the others that are new to us. We think you might also enjoy "Wilf the PON Discovers France" about a Polish Lowland Sheepdog who was diagnosed with cancer and given three days to live about 10 months ago.
Wilf and his family are really good at taking life one day at a time...
Oh, and Mom totally agrees about mornings being the best time - for the same reasons!!

Happy Sunday and Rottie Kisses!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So we don't forget, HI to little Willa - you are just such a sweetie.

What a "sweet" award - Mom says she could almost eat it! Congrats and thanks so much for sharing it with us - we are blushing from your kind words.

That must have been one scary memory for Mom with that hitchhiker - glad it all had a good ending for her and her friends.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

houndstooth said...

We love morning time, too, when Mom doesn't have to work! That's the best time of all!


Sara said...

Morning is the best!

You are so good following thru on all the award instructions. Whenever I get an award, I forget to follow the rules.

Jan said...

Congrats to the winners! Awwwwww she is so adorable!!!!


K9 Katastrophie said...

Woops! The comment under the name Jan was left from us! We had signed into our Grandmama's account instead of k-9 katastrophie!!! Sorry about the confusion!


Curt Rogers said...

Hi, Willa! Belly and ear scritches for you!!!

Whisppy said...

Our Mummy is the complete opposite. She LOVES the quiet night time when everyone has gone to sleep. Thanks for getting your Vickie to share 7 things with us. And little Willa looks so sweet!

Love, Whisky, Cosmo & Ling

Dandy Duke said...

What a delicious looking award! We totally agree with your mom about the early morning hours being the best. We're up at 4AM every day and we just love it!
Hi Willa!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Maxmom said...

Hey there Bert...
It was great to learn a few new things about Vickie. BTW - your header picture is absolutely stunning! Congratulations to you and to your award recipients - they are all deserved winners - lovely hearts!
Sending lotsaluv

Boondocks Love Shack Pack said...

Congrats on receiving this award, Bertie boy. No one deserves it more than you!

So glad your Vickie was not Yellowstone Cannibal's supper. Then we'd have never known you. And how many lost folks would have remained unfound? We're glad God protected her!

Thanks for passing this on to us. It might be a few days before we post about it since we're trying to finish up camp details. We appreciate it very much though. You're too kind!

Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...

Thanks for stopping by All Things Dog Blog. Always good to say Aloha to another doggie friend. Happy tails!

Remington said...

Cool post! Thanks for sharing!

Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...

Thanks for stopping by All Things Dog Blog. Always good to say Aloha to another doggie friend. Happy tails!

Elaine Pritchard said...

Congratulations on a very well-deserved award.

Your mum has had an interesting life!!

Little Willa is gorgeous.

Love and licks, Winnie

KB said...

What a wonderful award, and totally deserved by you!

I love mornings too although I wake up so slowly...

We are humbled by your kind words. Thank you so very much.

And, I agree with rottrover. I think that you'd love Wilf's blog.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Ah, little Willa is so cute. congrats on your award. We enjoyed reading about those you passed it on to. Some we know, some we didn't.

Sagira said...

Congrats on your "sweet" award. :)

Tanner and Beth said...

Wow! Those are some pretty random things about Your Vicki. Good to get to know her better.

Puppy Kisses,

rottrover said...

Hi Bert!

When it rains, it pours! We awardified you, too. We love your blog!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

The Army of Four said...

Congrats on your award, Bert! I was hoping you'd get some food with it... but maybe that's just me.
Very interesting insights! SCARY about that cannibal guy!!!
I think your Vickie and our mom would get along very well.