Sunday, December 30, 2012

Need a laugh at My expense?

From Vickie  (Ya gotta see the humor in this, I do)

So, Bert is resting peacefully from his very active week.  Hiking Swimming, You know....It's all about him......

Allred is in the back room high on his perch sleeping as well, getting ready for his New Years Eve Date with Miss Nellie

And Me, what am I doing........well, let me tell you......

I am moving all the furniture away from the latest leak in my roof.  Is this fun you ask......well, yes it is.......I mean, I don't clean that often, and it takes a catastrophic event to get me to really clean.

Now that may sound bad to you, but really, I did need to clean behind things for some time now.  Now is the time.

And now that I am complaining, let me just say, that the IRS surprised me last year with a huge amount owing on my tax's.  I spent all summer paying it off.  Then all of a sudden the IRS started sending me large amounts of money. 

Wow I thought, how cool is this......I have overpaid........Not So. 
Christmas Eve, I get a letter from my friends at the IRS telling me that now I owed them all the money they sent back to me......and to teach me for thinking they knew what they were doing, they are going to add a penalty and interest.

Did ya learn anything Vickie?

And all the snow that Bert loves so much.  Well guess who has to shovel the crap.  (Not crap, but white snow crap)  (Well, I have to shovel all the other crap too but now the white snow)

How many buckets does it take to catch all the dirty brown water that is falling from the ceiling into the living room? (oops, just a littl side tracked there)

Back to the guess who has the worst back pain of her life?  No really guess......

And the chiropractor took the whole Christmas and New Years holiday off.  Guess who can't go and get relief until next Wednesday...... No really....guess.

And to finish the whole lovely experience off,  I was fixing myself an salad for lunch today.  I had bought croutons, almond slices, tomatoes salad, a bit of hamburger and some roast red pepper dressing.  I was looking so forward to it.

I fixed the salad up bit by bit, first the lettuce (finely chopped) Onions, I love onions, sliced tomatoes dressing and some warm crumpled hamburger bits, finally taking the croutons from the cupboard, pouring a healthy handful of those on and then my favorite part, the sliced almonds.

Ignoring the leaky roof I sat down next to the bucket catching the falling water and began watching a movie and slowly eating the wonderful salad I had prepared.

The first bite was pretty darn good.  The combination of cold lettuce, tomatoes and onions with the warm crumpled hamburger bits.  By the second bite, I was ever so slightly displeased with something in the salad.  I couldn't put my finger on it, but there was something wrong.

I ate some more, I had to be sure.  It seemed that the almonds were mushy, kind of odd tasting.  I hadn't read the package, perhaps there were raisins and cranberry's mixed in with the sliced almonds.

I kept eating.  After a few more, almost painful bites of salad, I noticed that the small chewy parts tasted like liver. 

Oh my heck.....what was going on here.  In between my teeth, all through my mouth was a mushy yet powdery taste of liver......

Yes, My Friends.   I NEED GLASSES.  I had not grabbed the bag of slivered almonds, I had grabbed a bag that my good friends Michelle and Goose had brought over for Allred as a welcome home gift.

Yes, My Salad that I had eaten 3/4 of was generously sprinkled with "Whiskers Lickins"  First ingredient being "Animal Liver flavor, and chicken by-product meal."


I am now spending the rest of my day bending over the sink vomiting and trying to get all those little goodies out of my mouth and from in between my teeth.

SO How the Heck is Your Sunday Going.......


Miss Sophie said...

Oh Vickie -- I think it's terrible that you ate poor Allred's treats! I mean, are you going to give him your sliced almonds? Sorry for all the stuff going on over there. What you need is a good dog walk out in this beautiful snow!! I'd even go with!
Tongue kisses -- Sophie

The Websters said...

UGH! What a very bad day...except for those treats. I think you should eat those instead of that yucky lettuce.


Murphy said...

I gotta say that we were not finding anything to laugh at with the IRS, back problems and all. But that salad? You got us on that one! Since neither of our pawrents can see within 3 feet of their noses we totally understand how such a thing could have happened. But now our concern is for poor recovering-from-death Allred. He was down and you ate his treat. Are you feeling a wee bit guilty over that?

Stay Calm & Bark On!

Murphy & Stanley

GOOSE said...

Well I am having a pretty good day. Thanks for asking.

Anonymous said...

Bloggers have consistently characterized me as being a grouch, a complainer, seeing the glass half empty etc. I don't care, but my asst. sometimes feels a twinge of guilt because, let's face it, I am her alter ego. Thank you Miss Vickie for this delightful, complaint-filled post that I'm sure will show everyone that YOU are way more of a curmudgeon than me, little ol' Tank (or my asst.) In fact, I'm wondering if Allred has totally taken over your psyche. Perhaps the yin and yang of those 2 personalities (Allred and Bert) has somehow caused your mentals to snap. Oh my. I'll bet that's what happened. I am very sorry about your leaky roof, the IRS goons and the snow crap you have to shovel, but seriously, eating cat treats in your salad sounds like a wonderful, if surprising, bonus to your day. Liver... mmmmmmmm. Tank (this may be the longest comment I've ever left you lucky duck.)

GOOSE said...

OK in all seriousness. Not cool about the roof and IRS. Nothing to laugh at there. But REALLY the salad. BAwahhahhahha. My question WHY oh WHY did you keep eating it after you tasted something funny? I bet Allred will NOT be happy that you woofed down his special yummy treats.

rottrover said...

BOL!!! I'm sorry....especially about the IRS. yuck. worse than liver cat treats...

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I don't think that even a MONTH of DAYS could begin to compare with THIS one of YOURS.... SERIOUSLY.... we feel terrible about the GREEDY Indian Giving IRS and the BUCKET BRIGADE in the living area.. and OHHHHHHH that Snow Shoveling BACK ACHE... (our mom has that going on too)... BUTT to Top Those all off you managed to DEVOUR the Noms intended fur aiding ALLRED's Recovery.. and Last butt NOT LEAST.. you will now need a New Teefs Brush and MORE Teefs Paste..
Are you hankering fur that delightful CHICKEN Flavored kind? That is OUR favorite. Just askin
Will you next be "SPITTING" in HIS Pan?
OH MY... what a saga.
We don't know which to do furst Laff or Cry.
It will soon be 2013 and you can put all this Stuffs ... behind you. RIGHT?

Terrorzinhos said...


Happy New Year!

Kaiser & Farrusquinho

tubby3pug said...

Oh my a not good day, paws crossed that the new year improves

urban hounds

Cowspotdog said...

Don't you just love days like that....when you keep thinking nothing else can wrong and it does......over and over again......yep......know those kind of days well too

NCmountainwoman said...

I feel just terrible saying it; but I've had a GREAT day today! Of course there still is time for something to mess it up. Sorry about your bad day. Perhaps it's a sign that this year is almost over and a new one is beginning. Hope it's the best one ever.

Meeka said...

For awhile there I thought I was reading the comic section of the Sunday paper. But no, this is even better!
Allred is giving you the stink eye for eating his treat.

Anonymous said...

Not a good Day, now you gonna give up liver?

Your Pals
Susie & Bites

Millie and Walter said...

Oh my, I don't know whether to cry for you or laugh at you. Of course as a blogger you shared all your pain with us today. I hope Allred doesn't seek revenge for eating all his liver treats.


Cayden Dobe said...

oh my goodness poor you Vickie.

I would just spend the rest of the day meaowing away and enjoying your new source of protein!!!!


My Mind's Eye said...

Down here in Dixie we have a saying that pretty much fixes every thing that has gone to you I say

ps Madi says you better not let Allred know you ate his treats!!
Hugs all around tomorrow is a new day
Madi and Mom
pss: Laughing at one's self is a gift!! WTG Miss Vickie

The Life of Riley said...

BOL. I always knew humans tested thier products on animals to see what happens, but now I know for sure what the result is when humans try things intended just for us!

Sagira said...

Of goodness...sounds like you've had one heck of a day

Anonymous said...

Baaaa haa Vickie, my human laughed, and laughed and then felt sad for you, then laughed some more. Then she told me you should get a lawyer and fight the #$)&*%*&^ IRS. Not sure what those words were, but she was pretty mad when she said them.

Hope your back is better soon.

Love, Hilo

PS I love Liver treats, so why is Vickie sad she ate them?

Anonymous said...

Dear Vickie,

Oh, wow, where do I start...the bad part...IRS; I don't think they communicate with each other or they are just all lunatics! Your back, what a shame that you have no help for it till Wednesday, ugh. Try Icy Hot patches on it, they might ease the pain a bit. Now to your salad, it sounded delicious, truly, until you got to the part of the liver treats, after gagging a few times I did have to laugh a bit! Sometimes it seems like you just can't win!

Take care & Happy New Year's,
Lucy (silent MOD, Troy, Ohio)

Angel Prancer Pie said...

That just made a little throw-up come up in our moufs. Hope your Monday is better than today. ((Hugs))

Val said...

Sorry about the problems with the back, the roof and the IRS--no fun!!
I have a feeling that Allred is going to B!T@H slap you for eating his treats!!! :) Hugs

georgia little pea said...

BWAH HAHAHAHA!!! Not as well as your Ms Vickie. Barf. You know how they say awful things happen all at once, then you're done? What perfect timing for the start of a new year if that's true :)

My Sunday was excellent. We're now halfway through Monday. Happy new year to you, Bert and that sweet little kitteh, AllRed! X

Ziggy Stardust said...

Oh my dogs Miss Vickie, that is a really bad day. But it can only go up now right?? I mean that is about the worst day I have ever heard of. I am surprised that Allred wasn't attacking you between bites for his treat that you ate. Mommy is gagging a little just thinking about it. We are so sorry you are having all those bad problems with the roof and nasty IRS. Mommy is saying a prayer for you and I will cross paws that something good happens very soon.

Happy New Year, now you can put this one behind you and move on.

Loveys Sasha

Unknown said...

Oh Vickie! You are living my life! I can tell you the story about the leaky roof I had in the condo in Calgary. I can tell you about the Canadian Tax guys doing the same with me, But I've never eaten cat treats!
Happy New Year!
Nellie's Mom

acd6pack said...

Oh you poor thing! Here's our suggestions...keep the buckets in place, cleaning can wait, don't bother shoveling the snow (it'll melt sometime around April), lay on the floor on your back and stretch. Tell the IRS they can't get what you don't have. Check your benefit plan to see if glasses are covered and most importantly - order take out food! (maybe a liquor delivery service is available too?!)

Anonymous said...

Did Allred's treats taste good?..

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Well, let's see. At this end, the cold that started on Christmas Day is turning into something nasty and chesty. Good job nobody invited me for New Year's Eve. They clearly knew something I didn't...

On the subject of cat treats as snacks, I one hosted a party at which a couple of the guests assumed that the small bowls on the sideboard filled with little brown things were snacks and so ate them. Cat treats. of course...

Good luck with the leak. And the rest!


Dandy Duke said...

Gee, your salad sounds delicious to us, Miss Vickie!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Mollie said...

Oh sorry, I laughed so much.. Put ya glasses on next's awful having all the leaks and the irs..Oh we hope 2013 brings better things.. Happy new year xxx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

What Remains Now said...

Oh, Miss Vickie! My Sunday was a lot better than yours. I'm so sorry about the leak. I hope it is something easy to fix. The IRS thing is scary. I'm not good with things like that, so I get real scared because I don't understand a lot. The salad...I laughed a little but I truly feel horrible that you ate that. Yuck!

Donna said...

Oh dear. I sorry. (((Hug)))

KB said...

Oh my goodness. That is a yucky yucky story. I hope that you're feeling better by now? Get those glasses.

And the IRS sending you money and then asking for it back with interest and penalties? What is that, some kind of very bad joke on you? Unbelievable.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Oh noes! Does this mean poor Allred has to eat sliced almonds now!?
You certainly gave us a huge laugh to start off the New Year!

The Black and Tans. said...

Happy New Year we hope you have a brilliant 2013

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

The Army of Four said...

We are not laughing. No, really. We aren't. Really.
Play bows,
PS: No, really.

stellaroselong said...

we are sorry ms. vickie but we laughed at your mistake, AND we HATES the stupid irs men also..dummies!!!
stella rose

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Well, here's hoping the first day of the new year will be the start of all good days for you.

Happy New Year! Thank you for your friendship and all the fun we have had.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, Lightning, and Mom Kathie

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! The IRS thingy isn't funny (although if you follow D Kirk Wall's comments on Facebook about the IRS, many of his potential 'mottos' are pretty accurate). But the cat treats on the salad? Ooof! However, I did try one of the girl's sweet potato cookies one time, and it wasn't too bad, actually...

-Dr. Liz (and not Fiona and Abby, who have limited experience with cat treats, as Mr. Bufus was VERY protective of his treats...)

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Oh dear...

2browndawgs said...

Oh my that sure was some salad! IRS=money grubbing thieves and they make mistakes a lot!

Frank The Tank said...

Oh dear Vickie, that sounds like one terrible day, but you have to laugh about it or you will cry!
I would just count yourself lucky it was Allreds liver treats in your salad and not his "little treats" from his litter box! Ewww!
I'm sure Bert and the gang will make you feel better in no time!
I hope that you feel better soon,
Love, Licks and Hugs from your Puggy Pal Frank XxxxX

TexWisGirl said...

OMG! i am so sorry, but i am laughing out loud at your salad! the irs crap? not so much! ugh! and the leak either!

i just had to say, your comment last night was so sweet. thank you so much!!! i hope everything will work out with the roof, the cleaning, the back, the snow, the irs... :)

Catherine said...

Oh my stars! So sorry to be laughing but truly I have had these types of days! Well, it's a New Year now. A fresh start. Good luck with the IRS. Not fun. :(
xo Catherine

Ruby said...

Okay, roof: not funny (had that happen, not fun!) IRS: definately NOT funny! (so sorry about them!) Salad with kitteh fixin's FUNNY! Sorry, butts it is TOTALLY something my Ma would do!! Then, there's the dirty looks I'm sure you were gettin' from Allred!
Oh Dear. Well, it can only gets better from here, right?
Oh, I'll be thinking of you guys!
