Sunday, February 26, 2012

Just a bunch of pictures

Whew, she let me go outside on my own today.  It is a beautiful quiet Sunday and she let me go outside.

My blog is gonna be pretty boring for the next while.  MY LIFE is going to be pretty boring.  Woe is me....

However, I found out that, while I was lying on my death bed...(ok, maybe that is a little dramatic)  While I was lying sick in the hospital for three days, My Vickie was out playing.......

You heard it, Out Playing without ME.
 She even went to my favorite park and river walk..../without me...
And Murphy went too......
 Now lets talk a bit about my Buddy Murphy.  check out the pictures.   Is this really a dog?  
 Or, is it a human in a dog suite.  I mean seriously.....check out that posture..
Sometimes, when he moves.....I look at him and I honestly cannot tell you that he is for sure A DOG>
And check this out.  This is a picture I found of some of my friends going through my "Tennis Ball" box and taking ALL   yes I said ALL of my tennis balls.

All My Balls.

 Back home, little Mia came while I was away.  How innocent is she?
 Really.....How innocent does she look now.
 Montana came and she will be with us for two weeks.  She is tiny and adgil and guess where she is sitting.
 She has climbed up into Allreds Castle.    Poor little thing....and I was not there to warn her.
 She is fearless.
 Oakley came out to play while I was sick too.  Oakley Loves Life.  He has just lost 11 pounds and he is now full of energy.  It is kind a funny to see his human run after him now.  Before all she had to do is walk with Oakley and then most of the time she was dragging him to come along.  Now, she has to work hard to keep up.....
 Ty played with the Frisbee.  My Vickie says that when I am better I can play with the Frisbee, but never again with tennis balls.  Oh I mess my tennis balls.  I just dont' get it.  What is wrong with tennis balls.
 There goes Tucker.....jumpin over my fence.  Another thing I won't be doing for a couple of months.  I feel like my world has ended......
 Porter is doing the "Frisbee Jump" another thing I wont be doing for months.  "OH MAN"  Life just isn't fair.
And finally some fun news.  Don't get jealous Charlotte my sweet, but I forgot to tell you that Annie is moving in for a few months.  don't worry none, though....We are just good friends.  Really.

Well, My Vickie says it is time for me to go back into my "Suite"   Who is she kidding with that?   Although I have to say a special thanks to my buddy James Dean who helped decorate it with the pretty purple tulips and a really comfortable blanket.  Check it out.
I am kinda tired now.  But all be back.  I just wanna really thank everyone for all your comments and Power of the Paw wishes.  That is some pretty powerful stuff the POTP.



Bassetmomma said...

Thanks for the update Bert. It must have been so nice to go outside for a bit today. Sure, life's going to be a little boring for you for awhile, but then you'll be up and running with all your friends in no time! From now on you'll just have to dream of chasing tennis balls! Sweet dreams, buddy!

Sierra Rose said...

Aw Bert! This post will surely inspire you to HEAL up at lightening speed! What a fantastic backdrop your parkie has! And, such fun pals at parkie, and home :)
Keep on healing my friend! Love the to you!

Big hugs,
Sierra Rose

Dexter said...

What the heck is that Murphy alien fur creature? Yikes! I hope your Vickie knows what she is doing messing about with that beast.


NanaNor's said...

Hey Bert, I'm so glad to see you had enough energy to post these photos and comment on them. I'm so sorry that the tennis ball wound up in your tummy, I understand why Ms.Vickie gave them all away-I think you scared her to death.
I sure love seeing all your friends though; if you were close I'd be over visiting and asking Ms. Vickie if my Reggie could stay with her in the spring while we go on vacation. Oh well.
Lots of love, Noreen

Millie and Walter said...

I'm glad to hear you are feeling better Bert. Some of those pictures of Murphy it is difficult to tell which is the front end and which is the back!


rottrover said...

Oh poor Bert!! Hey, at least you got to cruise around outside for a little while today... We think Murphy looks like Chewbacca from Star Wars. He probably hears that all the time!!

-Bart and Ruby

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I thought Murphy was a Wookie.

Now don't be upset with your Vickie fur goin those places while you were on your death bed... She just needed to be surrounded with love beclaws she was worried about YOU.

Tracy said...

Yeah, Bert, let'stalk about Murphy...where are his eyes? Goodness, he's incredible! But then again, ALL your fur friends and siblings are incredible...glad you are out and about now...take good care...
love Hurricane

Ina in Alaska said...

Is Murphy really Sasquatch?

And another thing... I am envious that you have NO SNOW at your dog park fun place. We have such a place but (a) it is full of snow and (b) it is too cold at the moment.

I think you should not hand out the old tennis balls. We have friends in Juneau and their lab almost died from eating part of one. Since then and now Bert I respectfully feel I need to add my two cents about tennis balls for any pups.

Love your suite Bert!!!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Bert, you just rest up and take it easy. You'll get used to it...really! You won't have to do anything at all for awhile and soon, you will be good as you were before! Wishing you more healing vibes and sending you lots of great big hugs. Get better Bert! Love, Debbie & Holly

The Ryans said...

Bert so glad you are home and on the mend. I had to stay quiet for 6 weeks I only strained my hip ligament I thought I was being punished but now that I am better and get to come back to see you and my friends at CCC I understand the importance(not really but I'll pretend I do) of not rushing into things you'll heal fast and be running and jumping in no time. XO your pal Gus.

GOOSE said...

Bert I am glad you have not lost your computer skills. And I am thrilled you got to go outside un-escorted. But I am sure there was a sweep of the grounds for rocks, tennis balls and anything that looked like a tennis ball before you were allowed out. But that is a good and loving thing.

My questions is this... Is that MY MOM cuddling with Annie?? Where was I? Is she spending time at your place without me?

Tell little Montana that she needs to be careful perched up on Devil cats throne. She is one brave little doggie or she is completely unaware of the power Allred wields.

Keep getting better buddy and I'll do my best to run and romp for the both of us.

NCmountainwoman said...

So glad you are on the mend, Bert. And I know you really did want your Vickie to have fun with your canine friends.

Giving up your tennis balls is a small sacrifice for your health. I'm sure you will get so caught up in other toys you will forget all about the tennnis balls.

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Your Mom is such a traitor! I mean, playing with all those dogs (and that THING that you say is a dog, and we think is a ginormous mop) while you were having your insides cut open! The nerve! ;-) I've been telling Abby of your tennis ball mishap as a cautionary tale - she doesn't really eat things, but I'd hate to see her do something that would result in the removal of all tennis balls from our house.... Dude, we are thinking of you! Oh, and Mom has finally gotten around to handling Allred's prize; they are a small operation, so it might take a while to get to him. But I think they'll laugh at the 'Devil Cat'. Heh!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We are just so happy you are mending, Bert. Don't worry bout all that stuff your missing, just think how great it will be when you get to do it! We're gonna keep purrin fur you til you're all healed up. xoxo

Murphy said...

Nice suite! Don't worry Bert, you'll be playing again soon. About those tennis balls . . . is this something my mom should be thinking about or is it more of a problem for the big boys?


Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Glad to read you're home and feeling better, Bert. Do you have to wear the Cone? You had to see the Elimination of the Tennis Balls coming. [OK, so it's a bad pun, but it is a pun.]

Pouncey the Sumo Cat and Jed have a little 'get well' pressie for you. We figured your convalescence would go a lot smoother if the Allred situation were resolved once and for all. Knowing how Allred loves to travel, we managed to get him a place inside the latest weather satellite to be launched into space. It should orbit the Earth for about 7 years before it burns up on reentry. Unless Allred's next-to-last Horcrux messes with the circuitry, in which case it may crash and burn a lot sooner. Or go flying out into deep space.

That brings Allred down to ONE remaining life, which we expect him to safeguard judiciously by being VERY nice to you [and all other critters], especially during your convalescence. We're also giving Allred a lifetime membership in that Hug Club you posted about, in the hope it will help him mellow his spirit and manage his anger. You're welcome.

Jed & Abby
Pouncey the Sumo Cat

Murphy said...

Thanks for the warning Bert. Mom changed my photo but it's still me. BTW, I think that big Murphy friend of yours is quite the handsome fella!

KB said...

I'm so glad that you're home. I like Montana's style. She looked very happy in Allred's castle :)

All of Vickie's photos will inspire you to be really good so that you can heal and play before you know it!

zeeFM said...

that is a serious bundle of fur !

Ziggy Stardust said...

Bert I am glad to see that you are at least moving around a bit, but please be careful. I must say it is a bit cruel to let you see that your tennis balls are gone. I understand though and I hope you can find another toy you like just as well. In your honor, I will no longer play with my purple tennis ball either. I am very frightened for that sweet little doggy that is in Allreds lair, please do what you can before it is too late.

Loveys Sasha


Shane Kent Louis said...

I sooooo like the dog with the lovely brown fur! I think it would feel nice to hug that adorable dog. :D All the pictures here are superb. :D

Dog Fence for Any size yard.

bichonpawz said...

Thank you so much for the update Bert! We were very worried about you and we are so thankful that your Vickie kept us updated!! Hope you rest well and get better soon...Wow! That Murphy sure can JUMP! Your neck of the woods is very scenic!!! Hope you have a window in your suite! We are very glad to hear that you are home!! Sending healing vibes to you buddy!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Miss Sophie said...

Bert my Buddy -- You have no idea how relieved I was to find out you are home! Then you go find every picture of me looking like an out-of-control hairball -- even if that is an accurate description! And as to the tennis balls. I only took them because I don't want to lose you!! If I've told you once I've told you a hundred times, "Do not eat tennis balls. Only eat stuffed toys like I do -- then yo
u only have to throw them up!" Glad you're home safe!

Charlotte said...

Oh dearest Bert - now I really know you feel better! "death bed" ts ts ts - darling like all men you like to dramatic things :-)
But we all know how bad it was and you are my heroe even for this good and fast recovery.
And to Anny - well - a little bit I am jelous because only friendship between men and women is not possible (I heard) but I have to ask Mr. Goose to keep an eye on you even in this case! So sorry that I had to leave you so soon - but I'll take the next opportunity to hire a rescue plan again!
Big hug my love and many kisses your Charlotte

Maxmom said...

What incredible photographic footage of some really beautiful animals. So lovely to see such variety.
Sending lots of healing wishes for Bert's speedy recovery.
(BTW Thanks for your patience in leaving a comment yesterday..sorry about the frustration...have no idea what went wrong)
Sending lotsaluv

Dandy Duke said...

I hope you're back to your old self in no time at all, Bert. Tennis balls aren't the only fun toys in the world, ya know.

Love ya lots,

IRIS E DONA said...

Hi Bert
I'm so glad that you're home and felling better ! and what a nice suite !

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

OMD!! Is that really a dog? Looks like Cabaca from Star Wars. So glad your home but we sure hope all the tennis balls have been thrown out. You suren got some nice looking friends. Mia is so pretty but OMG lookm t those teefies.


Patrice and Higgins said...

Poor Bert!! Maybe the next time you will get to go to the park with your friends...

My mom agrees with Ms more tennis balls! How sad!


2browndawgs said...

Glad to hear your Vicki had a bit of fun Bert. We know she was very worried about you. Now you just need to do what she says so you get better soon.

the brown dawgs

PS Thunder here...Do you have to wear the cone-of-shame like they made me wear after my surgery?

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! So happy that you went outside n seems to be doing well. You got such FUN friends. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Unknown said...

So happy to be your newest follower from Gospel of Goose. I feel like I sort of know you Bert and Murphy already. Goose did a great job letting us know you're on the mend! So glad to hear. I'll be back to check in again soon.

Happy seeing beautiful!

3 doxies said...

OMD, they done went and stoled your balls! Leave it to da mom's to plan things likes dat out...when you ain't theres.

I am still undecided about Murphy...hehehe.

Now Bert, I has been MIS=A overs da weekend cuz my mum caughted My Girl's tummy bug and her was sick but I am so thrilled dat you is back home. You'll gets back to health in your own home especially withs your Vickie by you.
Dude, you seriously skeered everybuddy.


haopee said...

That doesn't sound boring at all.

Maybe you should take Allred's role,Bert. I mean, act like a grouchy dog once in a while.

I'm glad you're better. Boring is good if it gets you fully recovering.

Huggies and Cheese,


Scooter said...

Hey Bert!
Wow, I'm so glad you're feeling better! No tennis balls for me either. Great pix of your furiends. I think Murphy needs to meet Groucho over at Splorin Wolfies! He's an alien dog too! BOL.
BTW: Can you feel those healing vibes?!?
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

snoopy@snoopysdogblog said...

Hey Bert,

I'm so happy you're getting better buddy, I was worried about you, you silly thing!!

How can you say your Blogs gonna be boring without you, there's loads going on, I don't mean to be disloyal to you, you'll always be my special buddy, but it is cool to hear about what everyone else has been up to and OH those pics of Murphy are great!! He's actually more fluffy than me!!

Giving the tennis balls away might seem like a tragedy now, but you just have to accept that Mum's know best - I know, it's tough!!

Hang in there buddy, you'll be out running around again soon :)

Your pal Snoopy :)

The Army of Four said...

I have to say .. I can't figure Murphy out. What exactly is he? I mean ... he's unique, that's for sure!
sorry about your tennis balls. You know, they make SUPER sized ones - maybe your Vickie will let you play with one of the huge ones!
Play bows,