Like today, (Friday) I was doing a demonstration all by myself cause Tucker and Murphy were out of town. I had a bunch of kids from ages 1 to 13 at my disposal and I took total advantage of it.
Before the kids arrived, Vickie played ball with me for a while, she said it was so that I would tire out a little before the kids got here. I can live with that……Fun Fun Fun.
When the kids came, I entertained them as only I can. Believe it or not (Vickie’s mom). I sat when I was told to and I didn’t jump or knock down anyone. No not one soul. Well except for Vickie.
After the demonstration all the kids wanted to pet me so I let them do that. You know, what ever makes you happy. Then while Vickie was talking to some of them, I went over and rolled in a really juicy dead slimy moldy fish. After I enjoyed that for a moment I resumed my position next to the children.
I couldn’t believe it when all of the kids who had only moments ago been clamoring to be close to me and pet on and love me, where now running in all directions holding their noses. It wasn’t until Vickie had thrown my ball in the lake two times before any of them would come back.
Of course then, everyone wanted to throw the ball for me and before all the kids were through, I was totally exhausted.

Thank goodness she has Judy who will work for her when we go.
All the time she was there, they had only seen some deer. beautiful deer but no sign of a moose. While Scott, Bruce and John headed out, Vickie went back to lock up and much to her excitement she came across “The Twins” They were born last year in June. A brother and sister.
What a fair exchange that is….even I have to wonder in the wisdom of that decision…..
Anyway, she was so excited. It was getting late so she didn’t get really good pictures, but she did get a few. I could even see the antlers growing on the boy. Do you know that I am as old as those moose. I might even be a month or two older. I’m like their older cousin…… cooooool.
And then there is a video that I like to call “A visit to the watering hole” It is like, if you were in Africa and you came across this watering hole with lots of wild animals coming in and out for a drink. If you look careful you can even watch Cleo pee in the pool….Now who pee’s in a pool? I mean if your going to pee in a pool, don’t do it while the camera is rolling.