Monday, March 12, 2012

A rough weekend but a great week coming up.

Well, the doctor has still not cleared me and I figured out why on Saturday.  See I got a little playful when My Vickie wasn't watching and I was sick all day Saturday and part of Sunday.  Man, I couldn't hold down food and I was throwin up everything that was in my stomach.

This is worrisom because we have a big week of demonstrations and hospital visits. 

I was feeling a little better today so we went to a place where retired folks play so me, Murphy and Tye could visit.
 I was kinda tired so I just pretty much let them love on me until it was time for My Vickie, Ken and Paulette did the demonstration.  These cool folks wanted to see what we taught their grand kids in the schools so that is what we did.

My Vickie is pretty long winded but she did OK today cause she wanted to get her part over so she could come and sit with me.
 Ken and Tye talked about the kind of things you (everyone) needs to do before they go  camping, hiking, snowmobiling, cross country skiing and all them other fun sports that get them out into the mountains.
 Then Paulette talked about what you should carry in your pack.  Well mostly we have kids to use as models for this part but since these folks were much older, we just Murphy as the model for the garbage bag.  IT was pretty funny.
 You see a garbage bag is small and easy to put in your pack.  You put a hole in the bottom of the bag and if you get lost you can use it as a hoodie or sleeping bag for the night or if it rains.  Murphy was a pretty good sport.
 It was pretty funny seeing him model this.  In fact, we think we may use him as a model tomorrow.  Tomorrow is my favorite place to do demonstrations in the whole world.  It is up in the mountains and there is usually 100 or more kids.  We have to hike up to the place and me and Murphy get to run and play in the snow all the way up and back down.
Unfortunately, My Vickie says I may not be able to go tomorrow.  I just threw up all over the yard, just as my friend Areane came to take me for a walk.  This really is stinky.  Maybe I will give up eating tennis balls after all.


Remington said...

OH NO! Please stay home and get well.... You really need to lay low and do NOTHING! It's not fun but that seems to be what it takes....did the Dr. give you anything for it? Or is this from your surgery tennis ball thing? Please take care, my friend and keep us updated....

georgia little pea said...

Bert, I know you may not believe this, but playing isn't always good for you. Rest up and no more chucking up. I do enough for the 2 of us.

I say, Murphy is VERY handsome, with or without the bag. My Typist says you should never trim a groodle if that's what they look like when you don't. All the groodles here get trimmed and look more like poods.

Thanks for the tip on the garbage bag/raincoat. Now My Typist can save another 5.00 on 2 cheap throwaway coats when they travel. Hooroo! x

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Bert my Buddy.. it is better to give up a few thingys NOW so that you can do LOTS of stuffs LATER...

AND.. fur Squirrels Sake.. YES give up Tennis Ball eatin... fur EVER!!

GOOSE said...

Bert, MOM told me you were sick over the weekend and that is why, in part, you could not go with me and my MOM on our hike today. We went to the pond and your favorite swimming hole, but wait it gets better. Instead of heading back MOM said we could keep going West AND WE DID. Holy dog I can't wait to show you all the cool stuff I saw, sniffed, and did. And dog oh dog there are even more and better swimming holes for you. The only way it would have been better is if you were there. I sure hope you get better SOON!!!!!! Take it easy friend.
Oh, and I think Murphy is the Perfect model. And I love the picture of Tye

The Daily Pip said...

Oh Bert, I am so sorry you were sick all weekend. I imagine you are so uncomfortable. My paws are crossed that you feel better soon and get back to doing all the things you love.

Your pal, Pip

Murphy said...

Aw Bert, I'm so sorry you are not getting recovered as quickly as you hoped. But you have to stop sneaking around and doing more than the doc says is okay for you to do. Get better buddy! And as for Murphy, I still say he's a handsome fella with or without a garbage bag!

Millie and Walter said...

Bert you have to follow the doctors orders and stay quiet. It can't be good for you to be throwing up. We all want to make sure you heal all the way.


2browndawgs said...

Oh Bert, please take care of yourself.

rottrover said...

Bert. Dude. You gotta take care of yourself, man. I'm still taking prilosec and some other thing that coats my throat that I have to take with a syringe. Mom mixes it with chicken broth, but I only took my first walk in a whole week yesterday. Hang in there buddy. I know you're bored, but better board than barfin' I always say...


Brando and Bogart said...

Bert, were sorry you're still sick! Get some rest. We're thinking of you!! <3

K-Koira said...

Oh man, hope you start feeling better soon. Sounds like you really messed up your stomach.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, Bert, we are so sorry to hear this. We were really hoping you were close to being recovered. Best to take it easy - we know how hard it must be. But there will be other times you can do these visits, best to be careful now. We have all our paws crossed for you to heal soon.

Hugs and Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Love the face the dog modeling the trash bag rain coat is making! Hope he got extra treats for that.

Wyatt said...

Oh Bert,
Don't push yourself too much, you have been through an ordeal. Maybe you should go back to Resting and Relaxing for awhile.

Wyatt and Stanzie


Take your time and get better. Hope tomorrow finds you in good health.

Essex & Sherman

NCmountainwoman said...

Dear sweet Bert. I'm so sorry you are not up to par. But just keep remembering that this whole episode will be done and forgotten before long. Now, listen to your Vickie and take care.

Miss Sophie said...

Bert, The BEST part of today was seeing you. I know it's still ruff, but you looked like the pre-op Bert, prancing around the parking lot. I burped up a kibble when I heard you got sick when you got home. Sleep good tonight so you can come and quietly walk to the demo tomorrow. It isn't the same when you're not there (and hopefully I can find a way to get out of modeling that humiliating garbage bag by tomorrow. Don't laugh. They'll probably have you wearing one too!!)
Your bud, Murphy

K9 Katastrophie said...

Yes Bert, please rest a little longer! Get well soon!


zeeFM said...

Get well soon Bert ! Great idea for the garbage bag though Zeus will be completely missing in it.. I wonder if I can convert normal plastic bags..

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Oh Bert - It's nice to see you out and about - but you gotta be careful still!!

No more tennis ball eatin" mate!!!!!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We'll purr harder fur your complete recovery! Get sum rest, just like the Doctor ordered. xoxo

Curt Rogers said...

Oh Bert, it hurts my heart to see you so sick. I'm sending all my good thoughts your way. I hope you get to go tomorrow but your Vickie certainly knows what's best for you, as frustrating as it can be. I know she'll make the right decision. Hang in there, buddy. If I could come give you loves I'd bring Duncan and he'd sit by you and keep you safe from those nasty tennis balls!

Unknown said...

Dearest bert,
Oh Dears! Me is so worried about yous! Me is coming over in my dreams and me is cuddled up so yous can't move and do anythings that will makes yous sick. And me will comb your furs with my paws and kiss and purrs at yous until yous falls asleep. Me can give good back rubs too if yous need one!
Kisses and Purraying yous gets better.

Meeka said...

Oh Bert, you need to take it easy. You kinda had major surgery so rest, rest and rest. I know it's boring staying in bed but just turn on the tv so you can catch up on animal planet shows.

Ina in Alaska said...

Murphy is a riot!

I hope Your Vickie keeps you at home. It seems like you need to stay nice and quiet. There will be plenty of time for fun soon enough.

Charlotte said...

oh please my darling take care of you! you have to rest a little bit more, it's really better not to do some things now - so you will recover soon and can do them later! I'm always with you - and it's so nice from Nellie to offer you a lot of service! Dearest Bert I miss you and I love you so much! Please get well soon - I need you! Your Charlotte

Ziggy Stardust said...

Bert, I just want to hug you. I hope you are feeling better. I guess it was a bad weekend for sicky tummies. Please rest my pal and sweet dreams. I saw over at K's blog that it is National Napping Day, so lets get to it.

Loveys Sasha

bichonpawz said...

Bert, please take care of yourself. We are sending you big hugs. Lay low until you get better. Hope you are feeling better today!
xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

2 Punk Dogs said...

Hey Bert, Maggie & Duke think that you should stop being such a tough guy & take it easy for a few days. We know it's hard for an action dog to relax, but you'll feel better if you listen to the doctor & just chill out. Maybe you could try competitive sleeping versus a cat? Come on, you could give the 4 lazy cats here a run for their money. Hope you feel better soon!

Dandy Duke said...

I hope your tummy feels better soon, Bert. I want you to be well so you can have fun with the others!

Love ya lots,

3 doxies said...

Duuuuuuude, dis is just terribles you has hads a setback in your recoopin'! I so hopes you gets betters.

I am so impressed with you dogs. I could so learn alot from ya'll. It would be cool to be likes you when I grows up.


Dexter said...

Bert! That sounds bad. You take it easy. I am sure the barfing has your Vickie in a twist. Sorry you can't go to work, but looks like you need to take the short term disability right now.


The Furries of Whisppy said...

Why did you start throwing up? Was this something that happened suddenly? We're very worried, Bert. We hope you feel better and get some much needed rest.

snoopy@snoopysdogblog said...

Hey Bert Dude - I hope you're feeling better soon - I'm glad Murphy could make you smile!! He sure looked funny!! :)

Sending you big wags,

Your pal Snoopy :)

Matilda the Boxer said...

Please take it easy, buddy! Set-backs make your healing last twice as long. (Oh, and thanks for the garbage bag tip, we'll have to remember that one.)

Scooter said...

Hey Bert!
Wow, this has me most worrisome, buddy. Please rest and let yourself heal up. Just think of the nice warm Summer weather coming and I know you don't want to miss any of that. Better to be still now and play later. Looks like your furiends have this under control fur now. BOL at Murphy!
I'm shipping an even stronger batch of my healing vibes!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

The Army of Four said...

Oh, Bert! Please get better! Listen to your doctor and your Vickie and do EVERYthing they tell you! OK!?!? We need to feel like the "old" Bert we all know and love!
Please keep us posted! We'll be praying for you!

Bassetmomma said...

Oh Bert! I think you need to just stay home and get better. If you wait until you're 100% better then you can do anything again, except play with tennis balls of course!

Bailey Be Good! said...

Awww, Bert!! So sorry you aren't feeling well, my friend! I hate that you have to miss out doing something you love. I will keep my paws crossed that you feel better real soon! :)

Woofs & hugs, <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Awww Bert, we're so sorry to hear you have the bug. Hope your feeling better soon!!!

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Hope you're feeling better Bert!!

Food Fan Frank said...

Bert, hope you get feeling better really soon! I am loving those pictures of Murphy in the garbage bag! Thanks for the update!

Bicontinental Dachshund said...

Bert, sweetheart...we sure hope you get all better soon. Looks like Murphy did a great job with that garbage bag :)

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Bert, we are keeping our paws crossed you will SOON be much BETTER. What a wonderful visit you had. Your friend Murphy always makes us smile. Take care buddy. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

KB said...

I agree that Murphy looked pretty darn funny in the garbage bag! We did that same trick during a hike and everyone looked at us like we were nutso.

Now, I think that you need to rest, rest, and rest. Your Vickie can do the demo without you, as much as she'd hate to do that. I'm worried about you buddy. Please get better soon.

Your Vickie asked how I can tell the difference between a red fox and a coyote in B/W photos. The most striking factor is the very dark legs of the red foxes. In coyotes, the legs are the same color as the rest of the body.

The Thuglets said...

Bert..sorry to ehar you over did it. Make sure you rest those paws and your tummy a bit longer.
Looks like the demonstration went well.
Big Nose Pokes
The THugletsx