Thursday, July 19, 2012

This and That

 Remember how My Vickie told you all about how she gets rid of flies.  The copper wind twister with the crystal in it.  Well those are not only good for keeping flies away but the one that hangs outside by our picture window is also our afternoon entertainment.  Can you see what happens to my picture on the wall.  Our room is full of these big colorful reflections that dance through the living room like little magical faeries.
It is way cool
 We are still having tons of trouble with our internet.  It takes about five minutes for each of your blogsites to come up and another five or six tries before we can leave a comment.  So we wanted you to know, we are reading them as often as we can but it takes so long, we just give up on commenting until we get this fixed.


In the mean time I still get all that I want, swimming, playing with friends, walks and now I have a new friend who comes and takes me jogging. with her a couple of times a week.  (Thanks Roselyn, plus we love it when your mom and you come visit, especially when you bring us treats)
My Buddy Goose is coming today to stay for a few days.  I was not able to contact him and warn him before he here is what happened.
 You see Allred has found a new place to scope out his victims.  He has figured out how to get onto the shade tarp just above the entry gate.  Oh he is a sneaky one.

BTW Roo, My Vickie said that Allred got his name in a very boring way.  When Allred moved in with us, She was reading a book by Garth Allred.  She was on the phone talking to someone about this crazy cat who had taken possession of my world when they asked "What did you name the cat"  She looked around trying to think of a fitting name and saw the cover of the book. Thus the name Allred was born.  That's it, nothing special, just grabbing things out of the air.  Who would have thunk.....
 Anyway, I didn't warn Goose of where Allred was waiting and well, Well, all I can say is,   "Poor Goose"  He got the surprise of his life.
I bet he aged 2 years when Allred flew off his perch landing just inches from Goose who was waiting for Michelle to return snarled at him and ran into the house.  Poor Goose.   He is still out there looking up at the shade screen in fear, just in case the beast returns.
 Truth is, we are all just a little afraid of that area of the play area now.
 My Vickie and John went for a quick hike last night and boy did they strike it big.  They have been hoping all season that the Moose would return to our area and guess what?  They found 8 moose on their short three hour hike.  And the guy in the picture above was the smallest of the bulls.  I mean, My Vickie and John were like two little kids laughing and talking about their hike all day today.
They found two mommas with babies.  Now normally we have twins about 90 % of the time but this year they all seem to just have one.  But oh, my aren't they cute.
Here is a short video of this youngin as it wanders through the area about 30 feet from My Vickie.
He tried two times to come and play with her, but she told him, that it wasn't a good idea and that she didn't think his mom would be happy with that.  So they just checked each other out from a distance.  Anyway, check him out.  

As the sun was setting they came across this momma, the dear and if you look to the left you can see her youngin heading to a bull who is up on the hill.  That didn't go over well cause Momma came and chased the bull away about 40 seconds later.  
The sunset was incredible for them too.  It was like the perfect evening, except for the fact that I wasn't there.  Oh well, I gotta let her go off on her own now and again.  You know, so she can learn to be independent and all.
Back home, I got this bandanna in the mail from Osker a while back.  I kept trying to figure out what you do with a bandanna
I felt like one of those Pioneer women who crossed the plains with it on my head.  that can't be right....
Seriously, this just cant be right.  Osker what do I do, what is this for, how do I wear it.   

OH, I get it....this is for me to wear around my neck to let you know that I am a host to the Olympic games.  
Now that is better, I look way better with it around my neck.  So thanks to all of you who entered the Jumping Portion of the Olympics.  My Vickie and I are excited to put together our post for this event.  
So we are off to try and pull up a few posts before midnight.  Crazy Internet.
See you all soon......I hope


Ziggy Stardust said...

Bert, that colorful picture is way cool, you are right. Poor Goose, not only is he away from his Mommy, but he probably got the pooped scared out of him. Wow those moosey pictures are amazing and the sweet babies, thank you for sharing those. You always look like you are having fun my sweet pal.

Loveys Sasha

Millie and Walter said...

Bert, I love your pioneer woman look the best ;-)


Unknown said...

Oh Bert! Me LOVED EVERYTHING about your post tonight!
Mooses for my Mommy (she LOVES Mooses)
Allred for mes and of course Glorious yous!
Me Loves yous and so do my hairy slobbery sisters Bob and Cinnamon. They Loves your Charlotte too! they wish they lived closer so they could goes on the fabulous walks that yous guys does! (Mommy too)

NanaNor's said...

HI Bert, I know you will reassure Goose that Allred won't bother him too much. I'm glad he has such a great friend(you)who he can come hang out with when his mom is away. Loved the pics of the moose-so cute! Have a wonderful weekend and I love the bandanna around your neck.
Hugs, Noreen & Hunter

The Furries of Whisppy said...

We LOVE what Allred did to Goose. MOL! That was hilarious. Allred sure knows how to bring more excitement to your lives. HAHAHAHA.
You're one mighty handsome Olympic host with that attractive bandana.

Declan said...

Hate to say it mate, but with that bandanna on your head you look like the Queen... hehe! Deccy x

Unknown said...

Oh we loved this post , so funny and the pictures, great. Thank you for putting a smile on our face. Have a happy Friday. Drop by sometime.
Best wishes Molly

Dandy Duke said...

Your pioneer woman picture has us in stitches, Bert. You are too funny!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Finn said...

Great post! I love the bandana wrapped around your head though!

Cowspotdog said...

You always have such amazing adventures - what awesome photos of the moose and how cool that you and goose get to spend some days together (we hear his Mom filled up his treat jars - maybe he will share)

2browndawgs said...

Internet problems can be so frustrating. So glad you were able to post such wonderful pictures, (except Allred, don't know what to think about the evil

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Poor Goose.
I LOVE the picture of the Momma and baby MOOSE!!!

Buddy you look super in your bandana.. now matter HOW you wear it.

Murphy said...

Bert, although we liked the pioneer woman look, after all it is Pioneer Days here in Utah, we think you should also try the biker look that Goose had. We hope you and Goose have lots of fun together and most of all we hope to see you later this evening!

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

Bassetmomma said...

Gee, I sure hope your internet gets fixed soon. It can be a real pain! I tried finding one of those copper wind twister thingy's around here and couldn't. (darn) It looks pretty cool reflecting off of your picture there Bert! :)

Two French Bulldogs said...

We love all those beautiful colors in your picture and what a good idea to get rid of flies. You sure look like a fashion statement with your cool bandana
Benny & Lily

Kira said...

We really feel your pain on the internet front. Up until last fall we only were able to get dial up internet access where we live. Now we have satellite, which is still pretty slow (certainly no netflix or even much youtube for us!) but is much better than dial up. The endless loading times can really take the fun out of blogging!

Kira & Murphy

Backcountry Brodie said...

I need one of those copper wind twisters on my HEAD when I go hiking to keep the biting flies off of my head - owie! Mom is always smacking me on the head and I look at her like "WHA!?!?!?! Why you do that?" then I realize she be smacking a fly, not me. Those is most bootiful pictures of the mooses and sunsets.

Sankissjuice said...

Hi Bert,

Your photo with the rainbow streaks is so beautiful. I think you should ask your Vickie to frame it up. And my darling Allred. I know what he did to Goose was mean but I bet he was just having fun. He is so photogenic, just like you. And thise moose, how do they always seem to have a smile on their faces? It is soooo cute. no wonder your Vickie cant quite get enough of them.

Miss you.

Meeka said...

You sure got that Li'l House on the Prairie look.

The Army of Four said...

I forgot all about that Allred dude when I saw the mooses and your sunsets! WOW, Bert, how gorgeous!
I also love the pix of you in the babushka. You look quite the fashion plate. You didn't let Allred see you in it, did you?
Hope Goose is OK.

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Wow! Moose! How exciting! I'd love to see them in the wild.

georgia little pea said...

I hate it when the Internet connection goes bad. Sometimes the slow load up and commenting happens to me too and I just want to scream (though I normally just end up watching telly instead).

Stunning sunset. And I love mirrored lights playing around. That always makes me smile. Have a great weekend! X

sprinkles said...

Wow, I've never that up close to a moose before, let alone a baby moose.

Love your sunsets!

NCmountainwoman said...

Another great post, Bert. Oh, I am so envious of your Vickie among all that beauty, and moose as well. Not so envious of you guys left with Allred, that evil devil satan cat. Keep an eye on him.

Mary Lou said...

Computer issues? Still? I am so sorry!! What a pain in the butt computers can be sometimes!! :-(
That baby goose was darling!! ;op
Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

What time are y'all going to have your party? Hootie and I want to come. Please let me know. You look very handsome. I'm sorry about Goose being scared by Allred.
Sally Ann and Andy

Sagira said...

Oh no! Poor Goose! :(

You sure look cute in your bandanna.

How cool to see Moose in the wild.

Charlotte said...

My dearest Bert - don't worry - Medo is just a friend, we are living together in the same place now - maybe he becomes a kind of brother but be sure - you are my one and only... but please do me a favour: don't wear your bandanna on your head :-) it looks a little bit unmasculine - but around your neck, I like it! This is the cool way - maybe you ask biker Goose... All my love and kisses your charlotte

Carol said...

Poor Goose, we are afraid of Allred also and we have only see him in pictures. What a beautiful place you have to hike in.

The silvers and more

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So sorry to hear of all your Internet issues, Bert. It makes us even more appreciative of your comments on our posts. Maybe you need a new modem. That happened once here and a new modem seemed to do the trick.

Cute baby moose there munching away. We bet your Mom loved that hike.

We think the bandana on your neck is a much better fashion statement than on your head:)

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Dexter said...

Have you tried powering everything off and unplugging it and starting from scratch? Sometimes our cable modem gets all constipated and needs a time out.


Mazzie @ Mazzie Takes Manhattan said...

Woof to you Bert!!!! You look so regal in the photo of you in the water. And this new development with Allred is troubling to say the least....I don't blame Goose one bit for being a tad paranoid.

That being said, I'm certain that the 2 of you are having a fabulous time given that you're BFFs. My assistant loves the photo of you sporting your IAMS Blogville Olympics bandanna .... she said it reminds her of her Eastern European grandmother (only WAY cuter). And I hope that you will accept my apologies for not entering your jumping event, but my assistant just couldn't manage to get an event worthy photo of me jumping. I am determined to come back next year with a vengeance!!!! Much love to you and your Vickie - XXOO - Mazzie

Anonymous said...

Ah Ha! Thank you for sharing the story of Allred's naming. Author! Author! ;) Hardy Har Har :)

Luv your copper twirler! Pretty on the inside and outside :D

Cute cute cute moosey. So sorry Allred scared Goosey BOL! Rhymes! ;P

What a terrific hike! Great 3 hour tour. Glad you didn't get lost :)

Waggin at ya,