Hey Lilly http://doggydays09.blogspot.com/ I was impressed with the way you stay slim. Here is how I keep my boysih figure. And please keep in mind, Scrappy is my bro, my best friend (other than My Vickie) and he is terribly patient with me but gladly helps with my daily program.
PS. I am one of those having trouble leaving comments on some of the blogs. don't know why but just wanted you to know I'm keepin up, just can't comment.
Good Days to everyone
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
My Peeps at Sarges request.
So my buddy Sarge: http://sargespeaksout.blogspot.com/2011/05/peeps-on-parade_26.html ... has asked us all to do a Post designed about our peeps. That would be My Vickie.
These are the rules:
1. Design a post about your peeps. You know, your people! Those great humans we live with.
2. Tell at least one of the following things about them: What your peeps do/did for a living; Your peeps' special hobby/talent; Your favorite thing to do with your peeps; Something serious and special about your peeps; Something funny and special about your peeps.
3. I'd love for you to attach at least one picture of you with your peeps.
4. Post your creation on Memorial Day Weekend from Friday, May 27th through Monday, May 30th.
5. Comment on my blog so I will know your post is up
It WAS a battle but I finally got permission from her to tell a little. As you may have noticed, she never has her picture on the posts so beleive me it was a job to even find one of her.
To start, she loves the out doors and she loves following moose around and taking their pictures. I never did hear of anyone who was so infactuated with Moose.
My Vickie worked for her family business for a few years after college, then she married but she is not the best wife in the world so they went their own ways. After that she went to work for Mental Health (mmm sometimes I wonder if they hired her so they could moniter her mental health) anyway she was what they called a crisis screener and she was always having her life threatened by guns and knives and one time a guy threatened to bash her head in with the phone system.
Once they had a bomb scare and she was one of the ones who had to go in the basement to look for the bomb. (Shhsh don't tell her family about that, they would be so upset)
One day, just after her little sister died, (no reason, she just up and died) My Vickie decided that she needed to leave the mental health field and started her own little doggy day care alternative boarding facility. www.caninecountryclub.biz That has been the greatest decision of her life.
During all this time she was a dog handler with Rocky Mountain Rescue Dogs and American Search Dogs. These teams would respond all over the country to help departments look for lost and missing persons.
Her first partner was the first NON-German Shepherd used in the United States as a search dog. (Long time ago) He was a collie....yep a collie named Andy. (Vickie is the dark haird girl on the right) (one of few pictures ever taken of her.) It was during a search in Cour d'Alene Idaho.
Next came McKenna who we don't have a picture of right now, but she was beautiful... She was a golden retriever like me and probably the reason My Vickie wanted another golden when she got me.
then there was my precious Jamie. She is a border collie and she was/is an amazing search dog and my mentor. she is very old now and she mostly sleeps all day but boy, the stories My Vickie could tell about their great adventures.
In answer to #2. My favorite thing to do with my peep is spending one on one time with her. We are always so busy at the Day Care and I have to share her with so many others that when I get a chance to get her to myself (something she trys to make happen daily) I just enjoy it so much.
Something serious and special..and something funny....well, I think I have already talked long enough so maybe someday I'll tell you about her first official search with Andy......it is the most funny thing ever.....just a hint, She beleives in Big Foot.......and on her first search she was choppered in and left all alone (well with Andy) in a remote wilderness area in the San Juan Mountains...You know....Big Foot Country......
so there you have it......
thanks Sarge for the idea. It was tough to get her to do it, since she is the one who types for me.....but there you go.
Hope everyones week is going wonderfully.
These are the rules:
1. Design a post about your peeps. You know, your people! Those great humans we live with.
2. Tell at least one of the following things about them: What your peeps do/did for a living; Your peeps' special hobby/talent; Your favorite thing to do with your peeps; Something serious and special about your peeps; Something funny and special about your peeps.
3. I'd love for you to attach at least one picture of you with your peeps.
4. Post your creation on Memorial Day Weekend from Friday, May 27th through Monday, May 30th.
5. Comment on my blog so I will know your post is up
It WAS a battle but I finally got permission from her to tell a little. As you may have noticed, she never has her picture on the posts so beleive me it was a job to even find one of her.
To start, she loves the out doors and she loves following moose around and taking their pictures. I never did hear of anyone who was so infactuated with Moose.
My Vickie worked for her family business for a few years after college, then she married but she is not the best wife in the world so they went their own ways. After that she went to work for Mental Health (mmm sometimes I wonder if they hired her so they could moniter her mental health) anyway she was what they called a crisis screener and she was always having her life threatened by guns and knives and one time a guy threatened to bash her head in with the phone system.
Once they had a bomb scare and she was one of the ones who had to go in the basement to look for the bomb. (Shhsh don't tell her family about that, they would be so upset)
One day, just after her little sister died, (no reason, she just up and died) My Vickie decided that she needed to leave the mental health field and started her own little doggy day care alternative boarding facility. www.caninecountryclub.biz That has been the greatest decision of her life.
During all this time she was a dog handler with Rocky Mountain Rescue Dogs and American Search Dogs. These teams would respond all over the country to help departments look for lost and missing persons.
Her first partner was the first NON-German Shepherd used in the United States as a search dog. (Long time ago) He was a collie....yep a collie named Andy. (Vickie is the dark haird girl on the right) (one of few pictures ever taken of her.) It was during a search in Cour d'Alene Idaho.
Next came McKenna who we don't have a picture of right now, but she was beautiful... She was a golden retriever like me and probably the reason My Vickie wanted another golden when she got me.
then there was my precious Jamie. She is a border collie and she was/is an amazing search dog and my mentor. she is very old now and she mostly sleeps all day but boy, the stories My Vickie could tell about their great adventures.
Finally the one and only ME.....My Vickie swares that I am the last of the search dogs in this family so I need to work really hard to be wonderful, although My Vickie tells me all the time that I am already as wonderful as the rest, even though we don't get to go on as many searches. I have more jobs than my previous four legged friends and I am keeping My Vickie busy in many ways.
2. Tell at least one of the following things about them: What your peeps do/did for a living; Your peeps' special hobby/talent; Your favorite thing to do with your peeps; Something serious and special about your peeps; Something funny and special about your peeps.
Something serious and special..and something funny....well, I think I have already talked long enough so maybe someday I'll tell you about her first official search with Andy......it is the most funny thing ever.....just a hint, She beleives in Big Foot.......and on her first search she was choppered in and left all alone (well with Andy) in a remote wilderness area in the San Juan Mountains...You know....Big Foot Country......
so there you have it......
thanks Sarge for the idea. It was tough to get her to do it, since she is the one who types for me.....but there you go.
Hope everyones week is going wonderfully.
Friday, May 27, 2011
So I guess I am not the only one of my friends who has an "Evil Cat" to live with. I know some of you dont' beleive that Allred (Devil Cat) is truly as mean as I tell you he is. I am sure some of you think I am joking when I tell you that he sits at the dog door and SMACKS us if we try to come in, or that he hides behind the door into the living room and Bites us on the Behind when we enter without his permission....BUT IT IS TRUE.....
My Vickie tried to get a nice picture of him the other day. You know, of his sweeter side, of his gentle, kinder side.....Yeah RIGHT......Try as she could, this was all the love she could get out of him for the camera.
This week we got to take a lot of walks and found a bunch of new places that were only five minutes from our house. The only problem is that My Vickie and I go alone and sometimes, she gets a little, well, let me just say she has a HUGE imagination.
Little things spook her and often she can psych herself out thinking that the forest is coming to life.
She sees things that normal humans would never even notice.
All things come to life in My Vickies world.....Check out the spooky woodland gobblins that hide in the trees, just waiting for us to come by. Woodland gobblins, are capable of grabbing gullible humans and sucking them into the trees to use as a life source.
I don't know what I am going to do with the girl, yet I gotta give her points for continuing to take me out all the time.
Now you see, I personally would be more worried about all the homeless guys that live in the woods than a bunch of trees.
Oh Vickie.....
You really have to use your imagination.......
Except for this one. Even I got spooked by this forest spirit......I almost would rather face Allred the Devil Cat, than this thing late at night.......
Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
See ya soon
My Vickie tried to get a nice picture of him the other day. You know, of his sweeter side, of his gentle, kinder side.....Yeah RIGHT......Try as she could, this was all the love she could get out of him for the camera.
This week we got to take a lot of walks and found a bunch of new places that were only five minutes from our house. The only problem is that My Vickie and I go alone and sometimes, she gets a little, well, let me just say she has a HUGE imagination.
Little things spook her and often she can psych herself out thinking that the forest is coming to life.
She sees things that normal humans would never even notice.
All things come to life in My Vickies world.....Check out the spooky woodland gobblins that hide in the trees, just waiting for us to come by. Woodland gobblins, are capable of grabbing gullible humans and sucking them into the trees to use as a life source.
I don't know what I am going to do with the girl, yet I gotta give her points for continuing to take me out all the time.
Now you see, I personally would be more worried about all the homeless guys that live in the woods than a bunch of trees.
Oh Vickie.....
You really have to use your imagination.......
Except for this one. Even I got spooked by this forest spirit......I almost would rather face Allred the Devil Cat, than this thing late at night.......
Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
See ya soon
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
The Rest of my Birthday Week
Slide show of the Week
Day Four (continued from last blog entry)
It was full of good food, fun walks and general play. Nothing terribly special, but fun.
Day Five
Well, you can tell from my first picture, that it was a GOOD DAY. I got more lovin and hugs from people than you can imagine.
See Me and My Vickie were asked to come and speak at a Fund Raiser for the childrens hospital. It was a kind of outdoor extraviganza with kids and adults all over the place.
My Vickie was having me pose with folks and she had just told me to sit and stay.
I was just a posin, doing my job when, for some reason, I turned and looked at who I was a posin with. I was beside myself with joy when I found out it was.....the great....the one and only.......
CHUCKY CHEESE...... Chucky Cheese you guys. I was posin with the GREAT CHUCKY CHEESE. It was a wonderful day. Wonderful......
Back at Canine Country Club, little Daisy (you know, the little girl Vickie rescued from death and then told me she was my birthday present.....yeah like I want to share my time with Vickie with another dog)
She had to have surgery to fix all the booboos from her previous life. And we are trying to get her to eat cause she only weighs 25 pounds and the doctor said she should weigh about 40 pounds now.
She is doing really good. And, for the time being, we will keep her around. I am just worried my vickie will fall in love with her and want her to move in with us. So if you would all send up doggy prayers that a wonderful person will come along who needs Daisy, I would really appreciate it.
Bernies family sent us some pictures of what happened to him after he spent Day Five with me. mmmmmm. Maybe I got him a little dirty.
Buck and Annie sent me birthday wishes from their boat trip at Lake Powell.
More kids, more love, more fun
I was a little jelouse cause Tristy has a special family who loves her so much that they come and take her every Saturday for fun at the park, but I guess that is ok.
The smell of lilacs have filled the air around Canine Country Club and spring has come just in time to help me celebrate my Birthday Week.
Still have to work around the kennels even though it is my Birthday Week. But that is ok.....I kinda like that. My Vickie works and I play. Sounds like a heck of a deal.....
You know, it has been such a good week, that I havn't even noticed Devil Cat. I think it is because he doesn't like Daisy. Mmmmmm, maybe I should re-concider keeping Daisy around, if it means that I see less of the Evil One.
Murphy got so dirty that he had to have anothe rbath after his swim when he got home. His mom sent us a video of the bath and I am giving it a title of:
So I end my Birthday Week with a big THANK YOU to all my friends who sent me Birthday wishes and a final picture of Me just before evening came at the local park which is also under water from our flooding. I try not to be too excited about all this water cause Vickie says many many people are suffering because of it. (But I can't help myself.....I LOVE WATER)
So if your not completely bored out of your mind with all my chattering, here is a fun video from this week of two golden doodles that were having fun in the pool. (BTW....the pool was perfectly clean and clear two minutes before the little bounders started playing in it.)
Final day of my Birthday Week. My buddy Murphy came down and his family and mine all went to see how much of the park was left after the flooding.
We found some goose feathers and Vickie thought it would be cute to get pictures of me and Bert with goose feathers in our coat. I didn't think that was too fun so I headed to the water. Murphy didn't move fast enough.
Hope you enjoy it.
Looks like fun, doesn't it?
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Birthday Week Days 1, 2, & 3
First thing I get to do is open a present from my buddies Tucker and Bernie. At first I wasn't sure what to think of it, cause you see I havn't been allowed a toy for, well, since I ate one and had to have surgery to remove it and a rock.
so here is this big read thing with ropes tied to each end and a squeeky sound coming from it each time I touch it. I mean, I get the card thing.......I got a bunch of those in the mail and I know that is a human way of saying Happy Birthday.....but the big red toy.....well....what does a guy to with that.
Of course it didn't take me long to figure it out. The only problem is the only time I get to play with it is when Vickie plays too.
I am not complaining....just saying.
Love that. After we are done, me and Vickie go for a great walk.

Then we go for another walk, later in the evening. Yeah.....I love birthday weeks.
I get to start another day with another gift. This one came from my buddy James Dean. (Forgive Vickie for the above picture but instead of fixing James Deans eyes that went that way from the flash, we decided it was cool and didn't fix it.)
James Dean brought me this WONDERFUL BIG BONE......again, something that Vickie only lets me chew on when she is watching, but none-the-less.....Another great gift.
Me and Vickie were planing on our walk but first she had to take Scrappy to the vet, then run down to the local dog pound/animal control office....(Vickie hates to go there....me too....) She had to pay her kennel tax's for the business.
Murphy and Paulette came too and we had such a great time. Of course we teach a little, then we play and then we let them hug on us and pet us and get their pictures taken with us.
The kids even sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.
so that is the end of my first three days of my Birthday week. I am so glad I lived to be 3.
I can't wait to see what Vickie has in mind for me for the rest of the week. I think I heard her say something about a trip to the spa.......
Then we go for another walk, later in the evening. Yeah.....I love birthday weeks.
I stayed in the truck while she went in. I waited patiently knowing we were gonna go on a cool walk afterwords. I was surprised (sorry Vickies family) when I looked up and saw Vickie coming out and she was NOT alone.
Tagging along with her was this skinny little mut that looked like it had been beat up, starved and dragged through the streets.
Vickie got in the truck and said....."Happy Birthday Bert, meet your little foster sister"
Well, I don't know about it being a birthday present but I do know why my Vickie had to bring her home. We are gonna take care of her until she gains some weight, take her to Dr. Doughty and let him remove the pellet shells that are all over her little body, and help her know that humans and other dogs can be good and loving.
Her name is Daisy. She is supposed to be a Englis Setter, but I don't know. Hard to tell right now. MMMMMM really, is she what you consider a birthday present? or one more mouth to feed.
More than likely, one more heart to fill our house with joy for a little while. She will quickly find a home, we are sure. who could pass up so much love in such a tiny package. (Vickie couldn't)
It is still raining, in fact it is pouring so no walking today, however, that does not stop us being able to play with kids at the schools so for Day Three of my Birthday Week, I got to go to Horaceman Elementary.
The kids even sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.
check out the video.....
I can't wait to see what Vickie has in mind for me for the rest of the week. I think I heard her say something about a trip to the spa.......
Here's hopin all your days are like a Birthday.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
There were still two other blockages that made us wonder if Iwould make it, but here I am. 3 years old and in case you are wondering, much much wiser than I was one or two years ago.
I havn't eaten any rocks or stuffed toys for a few months now.
My Vickie ordered some of Reilly & Bree's home made cards so we could send them out to my pals at Canine Country Club. They were beautiful and fun.....Thank you Reilly what a great time to get them. ON MY BIRTHDAY
Last week was a great opening for this weeks BIRTHDAY WEEK. We had such a busy week. It started out with CHILDREN. and you know how I love Children.
Instead of teaching them inside, me and Murhpy got to teach them at a park below the school. It was the first day of sunshine we have had for months so it was really really neat and fun. Plus they had a really great jungle jim.
When we were through teaching, we all just played and enjoyed each other. Some of the kids were so cute, I wanted Vickie to bring em home so's I could have em all for my own. But she wouldn't.
Back at the Day Care at the Kennel we had this one day when there was 5 big dogs that were all the same coller and all the same breed. Usually we have lots of labs but never this many weimers. I didn't realize it until all five of them were together, but they are kinda noisy.......
Gus is a bit of a barker too, but only when Vickie is trying to take his picture. I dont' think he likes the camera.
There was a bit of crushin going on too. Gigi and Max spend a lot of time together. They really like each other and it is kinda cute to watch them together. Now that I am older and understand what crushin is, I get a kick out of seeing this happen.
My buddy Dougal sent some more pictures of his hike last weekend and I put them on the video of the week. You should check it out. Dougal is the most best lookin golden....
On Wednesday after playing with the children Murphy and I went to do some Cadaver training in a special training area for search dogs. We met my buddy Keiser (the shepherd) who was also working the area so instead of working we all went down to the lake and Swam. Good choice. I'd take water over a dead body any time....
Keeping up with our goal to cover 10 miles a week for the "Walking Challenge" http://www.lessonsfrom4legs.com/2011/05/03/walking-challenge-over-1000-miles-reached/
Here is this weeks "Video of the Week" for your viewing pleasure. Since it is my Birthday, I talked Vickie into using music I like.......
"I'm An Adventure Dog"
Isn't he the most handsome guy. I have such good lookin friends.
has been an extra chance to get out and hike and get to know our city better.
One day we met up with Vickies mom and KC. I took control of KC so Vickie and her mom could walk and talk. They were so proud of me. I am a great dog walker and baby sitter. I was so good, I asked her to put this video back up just one more time.
but one day we decided to walk through the city for our miles and we saw the most coolest stuff.
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