Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Peeps at Sarges request.

So my buddy Sarge: ... has asked us all to do a Post designed about our peeps. That would be My Vickie.

These are the rules:
1. Design a post about your peeps. You know, your people! Those great humans we live with.
2. Tell at least one of the following things about them: What your peeps do/did for a living; Your peeps' special hobby/talent; Your favorite thing to do with your peeps; Something serious and special about your peeps; Something funny and special about your peeps.
3. I'd love for you to attach at least one picture of you with your peeps.
4. Post your creation on Memorial Day Weekend from Friday, May 27th through Monday, May 30th.
5. Comment on my blog so I will know your post is up

It WAS a battle but I finally got permission from her to tell a little.  As you may have noticed, she never has her picture on the posts so beleive me it was a job to even find one of her. 

To start, she loves the out doors and she loves following moose around and taking their pictures.  I never did hear of anyone who was so infactuated with Moose.
My Vickie worked for her family business for a few years after college, then she married but she is not the best wife in the world so they went their own ways.  After that she went to work for Mental Health (mmm sometimes I wonder if they hired her so they could moniter her mental health)  anyway she was what they called a crisis screener and she was always having her life threatened by guns and knives and one time a guy threatened to bash her head in with the phone system.

Once they had a bomb scare and she was one of the ones who had to go in the basement to look for the bomb.  (Shhsh don't tell her family about that, they would be so upset)

One day, just after her little sister died, (no reason, she just up and died) My Vickie decided that she needed to leave the mental health field and started her own little doggy day care alternative boarding facility.   That has been the greatest decision of her life.
During all this time she was a dog handler with Rocky Mountain Rescue Dogs and American Search Dogs.  These teams would respond all over the country to help departments look for lost and missing persons. 

Her first partner was the first NON-German Shepherd used in the United States as a search dog.  (Long time ago)  He was a collie....yep a collie named Andy.  (Vickie is the dark haird girl on the right) (one of few pictures ever taken of her.) It was during a search in Cour d'Alene Idaho.  
Next came McKenna who we don't have a picture of right now, but she was beautiful... She was a golden retriever like me and probably the reason My Vickie wanted another golden when she got me.

then there was my precious Jamie.  She is a border collie and she was/is an amazing search dog and my mentor.  she is very old now and she mostly sleeps all day but boy, the stories My Vickie could tell about their great adventures. 
Finally the one and only ME.....My Vickie swares that I am the last of the search dogs in this family so I need to work really hard to be wonderful, although My Vickie tells me all the time that I am already as wonderful as the rest, even though we don't get to go on as many searches.  I have more jobs than my previous four legged friends and I am keeping My Vickie busy in many ways. 

2. Tell at least one of the following things about them: What your peeps do/did for a living; Your peeps' special hobby/talent; Your favorite thing to do with your peeps; Something serious and special about your peeps; Something funny and special about your peeps.

In answer to #2.  My favorite thing to do with my peep is spending one on one time with her.  We are always so busy at the Day Care and I have to share her with so many others that when I get a chance to get her to myself (something she trys to make happen daily) I just enjoy it so much.

Something serious and special..and something funny....well, I think I have already talked long enough so maybe someday I'll tell you about her first official search with is the most funny thing ever.....just a hint,    She beleives in Big Foot.......and on her first search she was choppered in and left all alone (well with Andy)  in a remote wilderness area in the San Juan Mountains...You know....Big Foot Country......

so there you have it......

thanks Sarge for the idea.    It was tough to get her to do it, since she is the one who types for me.....but  there you go.

Hope everyones week is going wonderfully.



♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Your Vickie is a very special lady, Bert. She sure does a lot of wonderful things for others and for you too. We like it when we get time with the Momster alone too.

We would love to hear the rest of the Big Foot story - please don't keep us waiting too long:)

Happy weekend.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

What an interesting post Bert!! I really feel like I know you and your Vickie a bit better now!! What an interesting, rewarding and full life she has had!!!

PS: Its been a long time since I've been to Ogden, but I have great memories of that neck of the woods!! :-))

Cowspotdog said...

What a wonderful post and it is so good to know you and your Vickie. Every dog is special in their own way and you are special too Bert.

Scooter said...

Hey Bert!
Wow, what at super P.O.P. post! I'm so glad you did this. I think My Vickie sounds like a very special peep. My mamaw did crisis work so we know how hard but important that is and we all appreciate the search & rescue efforts. As for the Bigfoot thing, my dad is all up with this! He is really into that sort of thing and would love to hear about that adventure. You and My Vickie are a perfect pair and I'm really excited that we are furiends. Thanks for pawticipating in my event!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

die Waldfee Moni said...

Hay Bert,
thank's to visit my Blog and following.
In your Post are wonderfull picture from the land, the dog's.
The sun is shining, a wonderful weather to make a trip with the dog's.
On Sunday we was 2 houers in the fairy and playing with my dogs.
And now they are sleeping goed ;0)
Have a nice week.
Best wishes,

Dandy Duke said...

What a great post, Bert! We love learning more about your Vickie.
And we LOVE the moose in the sunset picture! How beautiful!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Bailey Be Good! said...

It was great to learn about your Vickie! She sounds really nice. :)

I doubt I could ever get pics of my family on my site... they have their reasons. I guess I just have to respect that.

Woofs & hugs,


Unknown said...

Oh Bert - I loved learning more about Vicki! She has had such a full & interesting life! And so funny about the mooses! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

Sagira said...

So nice to meet your Vickie. Sounds like she does some great work and is making a difference in this world. Hope she keeps it up. :)

Boondocks Love Shack Pack said...

You did a good job, Bert. Your Vickie sounds like an awesome person!! It's nice getting to know more about her.


Tracy said...

Oh Bert,
Thanks for sharing your peep with us...she seems like a lovely lady and I know you are so proud of all that she has overcome.
Take good care@

Finn said...

Your Vicki is such a great lady! Thank you for sharing!

Scooter said...

Hi Bert, THIS is ME (Sarge's Cussin Frankie Furter).. I am visiting at his house and using his bloggie thingy instead of MINE. I loved hearing about your Vickie and YOU.. of course. I hope we can be furends.

Unknown said...

Hi Bert,
Your Vickie is one special lady! Our Mommy too loves moose and believes in Big Foot! Do you tink its a Mom thing?

Whitney said...

come on now, tell us the big foot story...please! :)

BeadedTail said...

We enjoyed meeting you and learning more about your Vickie! She sounds like a very special lady! Our mommy is afraid of coming across Bigfoot in the forests too so she's relieved he's in the San Juan Mtns and not here in Oregon like she thought! :)

Snoop und Emily said...

What a wonderful story! And thanks for stopping by :)! Lokking forward to a new great dog blogger-friendship :)!! have a great week, Bert!


Whisppy said...

Wow. Your Vickie sounds like a very interesting person! Am waiting anxiously to know more about the Big Foot adventure. :)

Dexter said...

Your Vickie sure sounds like a great lady. How brave to leave her profession and start on a whole new venture. But it has worked out great, right? And no more crazy humans to scare her (well except maybe crazy dog ladies).


Meeka said...

Nice meting you, Vickie. Great write up Bert.

rottrover said...

Bert!! Your Vickie did a great job of just following her dreams - and you're part of that!! She sounds like an amazing person. Thanks for sharing about her!!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Backcountry Brodie said...

Hi Bert! Thanks fur stopping by my bloggie and so nice to meet you. This woz a great post to be the furst one fur me to read coz now I feel like I has knowed you and My Vickie, or would that be Your Vickie, furefur! And you is the only real life rescue dog I know! On almost efurry hike I is asked if'n I is a rescue dog coz of my backpack but I tell them no, I is a rescueD dog coz I woz adopted from a shelter. My backpack is orange so we is always prepared in case we be in a hunting zone so that is wot confuzzles peeples, I suppose. Oh, and I so knowed Bigfoot woz fur real. You must tell all - I be waiting fur that story.

Catherine said...

I enjoyed learning some things about your Vickie! She sounds like a very special person.

Lovely post!
xo Catherine

Amber-Mae said...

GREAT post, Bert!! Your Vickie is a beautiful lady. I've always been wanting to see what she looks like so I am glad you've posted up a picture of her eventhough it's a very old one. You are so LUCKY to have her as your owner & handler. Thank you for sharing this with us! It's so wonderful to learn new things about our friends' ho9omies.

Penny's Mumma said...

I really enjoyed your story, and hearing about your bond with your dogs.