Tuesday, August 21, 2012

WARNING Update on Rattlesnake Bite

WE must warn you that the pictures are quite graphic
Dougal is doing better but is still in a lot of pain.
The swelling is down but the damage to the leg is more pronounced.
If you missed the start of this story please check

Here is the latest update from Jon.
Let me add that I really appreciate that Jon has allowed us to follow this whole process.  Dougal is like family to us here at Canine Country Club and we are hurting right along with his family.  

Hi Vickie,

Just wanted to give you an update on Dougal...

The black area of dead skin was ready to fall off yesterday, so he went to the vet this morning to have it surgically removed. It was better to do it this way than have it fall off in pieces or by bumping against something.

Now the poor pup has a very large area of missing flesh on his leg. It wraps almost all the way around. There's only about 1/2 inch of solid flesh on his inside part of the leg holding things together. It is agonizing to look at...really very painful looking.

The plan now is to keep everything wrapped and clean for about two week as the new tissue begins to granulate in. We are hoping that it granulates in enough that a skin graft will not be necessary...or if one is required, it will be just a small part of his leg.
 He is in a good amount of pain and wimpering. I feel absolutely terrible for him because there is nothing i can do.

 I just hope that he is OK while i go to work. With Kat and my schedules being somewhat staggered, he will end up being alone for about 7 hours a day. He is wearing a cone. As long as he doesn't find a way to remove it during the day, he shouldn't be able to chew at his bandages. He has his own room in the house that is pretty free from stuff to rub against.

Do you think that we should put him in a crate to keep him from fussing with his bandages? Or would that maybe stress him out even more? He is really going a bit stir crazy and we need to keep him as immobile as possible.

 Well, that's basically where we are at for now. I need to change his bandages once per day. I am not sure how curious you are to see the wound. If you would like me to send you photos, i can do that tomorrow...but it will be very gross.

Thanks again for all of your concern. I received a really nice email from Ben too. That was so nice of him to think of us...it meant a lot.

Take Care,


Finn said...

Oh my goodness. Poor Dougsll. I really appreciate you sharing the story with us and the update today. Please let him know we are. Thinking of him here and we are sending healing vibes his way.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We continue to keep our paws crossed for quick healing. That looks so sore.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Poor baby! We are sending him big healing purrs right away. So glad he has a good family that loves him and is caring fur him so carefully.

Unknown said...

Oh Dears, Bert,
Poor Dougal! His mwound looks very much like the wound a befored dog, Kokanee had on her back after it was burned badly by a car muffler when she was hit by a car. It tooked a long time for her back to heal over (She has over 70% damage to her back and lost 50% of the skin). She had to wear tshirts and it was really icky, but she was a strong doggie and came through it all! We i sending Many, many prayers for Dougal and we is throughly checking for snakes in the yard now!

Lorenza said...

I can understand Dougal is in pain!
I hope he will be fully recovered soon!
Paws crossed here for him.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

Ohh my heart just breaks for Dougal. Thank goodness he is under excellent care. Our thoughts go out to him.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Poor Dougal. At least the wound looks like it is healthy in there. We don't know the logistics of jobs and home and vets, but after all the money they have spent on Dougal, Mom says she would suggest they consider leaving Dougal at the vet's all day. Our vet would only charge a minimal amount for day boarding, and at least then he would be where he could be watched and tended to if needed.

All paws crossed for a full recovery.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

TimberLove said...

Oh poor baby. All our positive sibe vibes. Thanks for taking care of the dear,


Winston said...

My heart is breaking for Dougall and his pawrents. I'm happy to see the pink tissue after his debridement surgery and pray for his continued healing.
We will keep Dougall in our prayers and please ask his pawrents to keep us posted on his progress.

Winston, Chloe, Cecil and Mom Shawn

georgia little pea said...

This looks terrible but I'm glad to hear the wound is actually getting better. I hope it heals enough that you won't have to do the skin graft. My thoughts to Dougal's family X

Two French Bulldogs said...

this poor poor baby, sending all good vibes
Benny & Lily

Miss Sophie said...

Thank-you for sharing Dougal's sad story. It boldly
illustrates what can happen when we run into those rattly snakes. Wish I could lick him better but it looks like he's healing fine. I'll bet he hates wearing that gadget around his neck -- I know I hated it!! But I guess our people don't trust us to leave things alone.
Stay strong Dougal. You're on the road to recovery.
Murphy (the big one)

GOOSE said...

I feel so bad for my friend Dougal. But I know he is one brave and tough dog and I just know he will be OK. You gotta love his human, he sure is doing everything to help out his buddy. Prayers are just pouring out of me for all of them. Again I say, MOM is a little frightened about an up coming adventure she has planned for us.

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Oh that poor baby - I don't know how he can stand the pain. We missed the beginning of this - thanks for the update. Hugs and prayers to Dougall and his family.
Kim, Shiloh'n Shasta

Suka said...

hey Bert,

I am so sorry for your friend Dougal. My paws are tightly crossed for him and sending him lots of love and prayers. I read the original story and it looks like he is healing up very well compared to the earlier pictures. I just wish he was not in pain.

My human was doing research on turmeric, to help me, and came across a sight on honey that said a turmeric and raw honey paste put on a wound and bandaged, every day, will heal it and stimulate tissue growth. Of course, this should be researched but from what I found it seemed to be used by others. Good luck to Dougal! Please keep us updated.


Scooter said...

Oh you poor Dougal. I hope it heals really fast and we are sending scottie vibes to ya!!Our prayers are with ya!!


CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Pour Dougall indeed! You know, I have a false sense of safety thinking that rattlesnake vaccine will get me out of the canyon!

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Another note from the mom - the OP Pack has a good idea - leaving him at the vet's during the day or something else I was thinking - a crate would not work that well because of Dougall's cone and that NEEDS to be on. What about just enclosing him in a small area where he could not try to jump on things. Just an idea.

JacksDad said...

Poor baby!! I'm so sorry that all this mess happened. Isn't there any medication the doctor can give him to ease the pain?

A Day In The Life Of A Goose said...

Oh my goodness, poor Dougal! I am sending lots of licks and snuggles to him and crossing my paws for a speedy recovery that will allow him to romp around like he should be!!

rottrover said...

Ugh! Poor Dougall! Gizmo was bitten by a rattlesnake, and while his leg swelled a great deal and he was in a lot of pain we didn't see the discoloration - maybe because his leg was black. He had fang marks on either side of his middle toe. He was given pain meds and anti biotics and his liver functions were monitored closely for a couple of weeks. He came through it fine but I think the rattler was much smaller. Paws crossed!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh My Gosh. Dougal we are sending you the fastest healing slobber Rory can fling your way. Sweet gentle hugs to you little man. Thanks Bert and Vickie for the update. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

bichonpawz said...

We feel just terrible for poor Douglas!!! That looks like it hurts something terrible!!! We are sending our love and prayers for fast healing...for both Douglas and his parents!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Oh man, poor Dougall. This is painful to look at, I can't image how it must feel...

I know I am a long way-away, but if there is anything I can do to support Dougall or his family, just send a howl in my direction and I'll do all a little Scottie can do!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Oh My .. Sending Lots of Golden Healing LOVE ... looks like it hurts. Lots of Golden LOVE n Woofs, Sugar

Unknown said...

Big love and healing paw to Dougal. We are thinking of the poor boy. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Dandy Duke said...

OMG - poor Dougal! We so feel for him! Our paws are crossed that he heels quickly!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

IRIS E DONA said...

Poor poor boy ! Our paws are crossed for Douglas !

How Sam Sees It said...

Oh poor boy! Can the vet give them something to keep him calm during the day?


Dexter said...

Thank you for the update. I hadn't read the original story. That was so scary how quickly it affected his whole body. I am so glad they were able to get him to the ER. As icky as the wound looks, it does appear to have nice healthy tissue. I hope he won't need a skin graft. Sending good vibes for him to stay calm and serene during the day and not worry his bandage.

Personally, I think a crate might afford more opportunity for him to rub his leg against the rough surfaces. Hopefully his pain meds are sufficient to keep him calm and sleepy while he is home alone.

Mango Momma

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Poor guy :(

We wil continue to send Dougall healing woofs and licks and boxer puppy prayers too.

Maggie Mae and Max

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

We hope he gets better real soon.

Matilda the Boxer said...

OUCH!! Poor baby. :( Momma is absolutely petrified of the slithery things, and she lives in fear that we're going to get bit someday.

One thing we did when Cinderella had heartworm treatment and needed to stay calm (but went crazy if she was crated), is leash her to Momma. Momma would just hang out in the living room with the dog bed nearby, so Cinderella would just hang out in that. She wasn't confined, so she didn't go crazy, but she wasn't being active either and Momma could stop her if she tried to get up.

Cowspotdog said...

A very timely warning - we know our Mom was extra vigilant when taking us for a walkies yesterday in the forest. We hope dougal gets better soon - time is always the best healer

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Ernie and I have our paws crossed fur Dougal. That really looks sooooo painful.

stellaroselong said...

Dougal is the strongest bravest dog we know!! Our family is sending him hugs, kisses and prayers for his quick recovery.
stella rose

Anonymous said...

Good Luck Dougal, I will cross my paws for you!!!

Bassetmomma said...

Poor, poor Dougal! It is just so horrifying to hear this story. thank goodness he will eventually be okay. I have never seen a rattlesnake bite before. Thank goodness we don't have them around here. we will keep our fingers and paws crossed for dear Dougal. :)

Scooter said...

Hey Bert!
Wow, I feel so bad for sweet Dougal. Please tell him that I'm whimpering for him and sending healing vibes too. Gosh, I have timber rattlers in my territory, so I'll have to be extra careful. Good PSA for everyone, but such a bad bite. Poor fellow.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Murphy said...

Poor Dougal! And it must be sooooo hard for his peeps to see him in such pain. We pray he heals well and quickly!!

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

Jon Zaremba said...

Thank you everyone for your kind comments, prayers, and well wishes. Dougal had a checkup at the vet today and the wound is healing as hoped. We'll know the next steps in a week or two. But for now, we just have to keep him clean and immobile. So far, things are going well. I'll be sure to keep you updated through Vickie. Thanks again for all of your support!

Jon and Dougal


Hope Dougal heals well and doesn't need a skin graft. We are most glad he made it through to tell his tall tale about the rattle snake.

Essex & Sherman

2browndawgs said...

OK I scrolled super fast, but I got the idea. Poor pup! Sending all good wishes his way!