Check it Out. My Buddy Goose gave me a Frisbee and look how good I am already.
Goose and I took one last play day cause it is Saturday and Pastors and Doggy Day Care Owners NEED a Break Too.
The water was amazing. Cold as can be but also as beautiful as I have ever seen it.
One last frolic in my stream bed ending the year of 2011 with a huge splash
And a fence jumping contest that ended in a tie or is it tye. Whatever it is, we had fun.
Happy New Year to everyone, and thanks so much for your friendship.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
So That Is What A Frizbee Is
Before we get down to the "Frisbee" issue, I just wanted to show you the quilt piece that we are gonna send for Sandra at Kissa-bull. 
A lovely quilt is being made by Dachsies with Moxie My Vickie is letting us cut out one of the search and rescue shirts she wore when we went on searches. It is from all of us at American Search Dogs.
You should check out Dachsies with Moxie to see how the quilt is coming along. They are doing a wonderful job and every ounce of their work is done in Love.
I was happy to hear from my Sweet Charlotte. She got my Christmas Present. It was a few days late, but I mean, gosh.....Austria is a long ways away from Ogden Utah.
Since I know she loves jewels, I had a special charm made with "Bert Loves Charlotte" engraved in between the diamonds....
Doesn't she look lovely with it on. Isn't she just the most lovely girl ever. I am so lucky.....
And now for the "Frisbee" issue. I have heard of "Frisbee", friends have told me how fun they are, but until today I had yet to see one. Until today, I had no idea what fun I was missing.
"Why oh why Vickie" "Why have we not played this before"
I watched as Goose, Ty, Annie and Tucker would run out and catch these amazing things in the air. It looked like such an easy and great way to play. But My Vickie didn't have a Frisbee.
Well I watched for a while, then I took it into my own paws and when Annie's human threw her Frisbee into the air, I took off like lightning, whizzed past Annie (well maybe I knocked her out of the way) and grabbed at the Frisbee.
I take my games very seriously so after the first group chase for a Frisbee, I think they all just figured it would be better to let me go after the Frisbee and not get in my way. (or maybe the face I made when grabbing it, scared them)
Anyway, My Vickie promised to get me my very own Frisbee. I hope she means tomorrow cause that is a great toy. Every dog should have one.
If you wanna see more pictures of our day go over to Goose's Blog for a view.
I'll leave you with a picture of my friends from today's hike. from left to right: Belle, Shasta, Goose, Annie, Ty, Tucker, Oakley and ME.
Good Day everyone and Have a nice weekend.
A lovely quilt is being made by Dachsies with Moxie My Vickie is letting us cut out one of the search and rescue shirts she wore when we went on searches. It is from all of us at American Search Dogs.
You should check out Dachsies with Moxie to see how the quilt is coming along. They are doing a wonderful job and every ounce of their work is done in Love.
I was happy to hear from my Sweet Charlotte. She got my Christmas Present. It was a few days late, but I mean, gosh.....Austria is a long ways away from Ogden Utah.
Since I know she loves jewels, I had a special charm made with "Bert Loves Charlotte" engraved in between the diamonds....
Doesn't she look lovely with it on. Isn't she just the most lovely girl ever. I am so lucky.....
And now for the "Frisbee" issue. I have heard of "Frisbee", friends have told me how fun they are, but until today I had yet to see one. Until today, I had no idea what fun I was missing.
"Why oh why Vickie" "Why have we not played this before"
I watched as Goose, Ty, Annie and Tucker would run out and catch these amazing things in the air. It looked like such an easy and great way to play. But My Vickie didn't have a Frisbee.
Well I watched for a while, then I took it into my own paws and when Annie's human threw her Frisbee into the air, I took off like lightning, whizzed past Annie (well maybe I knocked her out of the way) and grabbed at the Frisbee.
I take my games very seriously so after the first group chase for a Frisbee, I think they all just figured it would be better to let me go after the Frisbee and not get in my way. (or maybe the face I made when grabbing it, scared them)
Anyway, My Vickie promised to get me my very own Frisbee. I hope she means tomorrow cause that is a great toy. Every dog should have one.
If you wanna see more pictures of our day go over to Goose's Blog for a view.
I'll leave you with a picture of my friends from today's hike. from left to right: Belle, Shasta, Goose, Annie, Ty, Tucker, Oakley and ME.
Good Day everyone and Have a nice weekend.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Hey Haopee
Hi Haopee, I can't ever comment cause I don't know if you have a blog or not, but I wanted you to know, I think you should get one.
Now lets get down to business.
No Snow.....Not Yet.....Maybe soon.....Still it is cold....
But not cold enough to stop me and my buddies from our swimming jaunt today and tomorrow.
Now lets get down to business.
No Snow.....Not Yet.....Maybe soon.....Still it is cold....
But not cold enough to stop me and my buddies from our swimming jaunt today and tomorrow.
Watch Out, Commin Thru
And this my friends, is how we do
a jump and grab.
Left to right: Annie, Me, Tucker, Rezzi, Ty, Bacci, Logan, Goose
Hope everyone is enjoying what they have.Bert
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Goose is in the News
Hey everybody, My Buddie Goose over at Gospel of Goose is in the news.
For a good read, check it out.
For a good read, check it out.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Bucket Head
Another beautiful Day in Ogden Utah. The Dog walker came and took me for a stroll early in the day while My Vickie worked. Then after I got back and My Vickie had another free hour, she called our friend Goose and Michelle and we went for another walk.
Goose's human has been feeling sickly but we decided some fresh air was just what she needed. You know, I think it worked. Me and Goose even got to swim for a bit, but it was pretty cold.
When we got back to the kennel we were greeted by the strangest new creature. It looked like the body of a dog, but had the head like a bucket.
"Hey Vickie, What do you think this is?"
IT was running around the yard in a crazy zig-zag pattern, bumping into fencing and trees, then turning and running the other way.
Eventually we figured out that the funny looking bucket headed dog thing was Max. Yep, Max had found Dougals food container and got his head stuck inside after he went in for the last tasty morsel.
I know we shouldn't have laughed but we did. And I know My Vickie should have taken the bucket off his head the minute she saw it, but she had to get some pictures first. Just to prove it really happened.
I wonder if Max learned a lesson from this.

This is what the house looked like on his last visit. Squeeze Cheese everywhere.
Now Honestly, is that the face of a counter surfing, garbage grabbing, food stealing guy? YES.
Some of our other Christmas Guests were sweet little Moxi
Wild and Crazy Carlie
Busy Kain and many many more.
It has been a beautiful almost warm Holiday for us, but it is time for SNOW. Can somebody send us some snow? PLEASE....
Goose's human has been feeling sickly but we decided some fresh air was just what she needed. You know, I think it worked. Me and Goose even got to swim for a bit, but it was pretty cold.
When we got back to the kennel we were greeted by the strangest new creature. It looked like the body of a dog, but had the head like a bucket.
"Hey Vickie, What do you think this is?"
IT was running around the yard in a crazy zig-zag pattern, bumping into fencing and trees, then turning and running the other way.
Eventually we figured out that the funny looking bucket headed dog thing was Max. Yep, Max had found Dougals food container and got his head stuck inside after he went in for the last tasty morsel.
I know we shouldn't have laughed but we did. And I know My Vickie should have taken the bucket off his head the minute she saw it, but she had to get some pictures first. Just to prove it really happened.
I wonder if Max learned a lesson from this.
After the fun picture taking adventure, we went into the house and My Vickie chastised herself the minute we walked through the door.
We had left an hour earlier, forgetting the Squeeze Cheese Larry was here for the holidays. We call him that because he is so big and tall that he can reach anything on top of any cupboard. Because you NEVER leave the garbage can out, food on the counter, or a can of squeeze cheese within reach of the boy.
Obviously he went through the garbage today and spread it throughout the house. Ya gotta love Squeeze Cheese Larry.
This is what the house looked like on his last visit. Squeeze Cheese everywhere.
Now Honestly, is that the face of a counter surfing, garbage grabbing, food stealing guy? YES.
Some of our other Christmas Guests were sweet little Moxi
Wild and Crazy Carlie
Busy Kain and many many more.
It has been a beautiful almost warm Holiday for us, but it is time for SNOW. Can somebody send us some snow? PLEASE....
Night everyone
Sunday, December 25, 2011
All the way from Austria from My Love
He He, the joy of my day was this picture. My Vickie figured if Nellie Cat From Hell could pose with a Santa Hat, then she would be darn sure that Allred (Devil Cat) could do it too. The above picture took about half an hour to get and My Vickie has the scratches to prove it, but we all say it was WAY worth it.
MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone.....
My Vickie got lots of wonderful gifts from lots of wonderful people this year. She is thankful for each and everyone, but when her Aunt Gwila (the wonderful woman who talked My Vickie into getting me) gave her this original painting on slate of her Jamie, well, she was so overwhelmed that she cried and still cry's every time she looks at it.
We know Little Jamie is not long for this side of the bridge, every day is a blessing. The artist caught Jamie's eyes and soul and spirit perfectly and we cannot thank Aunt Gwila enough for this gift for the ages.
I did pretty good this Christmas too. I got my gift from the Christmas Exchange from sweet Lola, and James Dean gave me stuff and my buddy Murphy and Goose, oh my Goose gave us all a gift here at the kennel. We are going to play with toys forever.
But the most exciting thing for me was when I went to the mail box Saturday and there was a box for me. From Austria. I knew immediately it was from my Sweet Charlotte.
Check it out. I have a Christmas Dog all the way from Austria. It sits on my Charlotte Shelf that My Vickie put up for me. It is right over my bed and I get to look at her picture and her cool present all the time.
It may be just for Christmas time but I think I'll leave it out all year.
So things are going pretty good here and we feel very blessed but we have not forgotten all our friends in blogville who need our prayers too. WE are not going to mention them here but just want them to all know we are thinking of them.
Much love from our house to yours.
Bert, My Vickie and the crew.
MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone.....
My Vickie got lots of wonderful gifts from lots of wonderful people this year. She is thankful for each and everyone, but when her Aunt Gwila (the wonderful woman who talked My Vickie into getting me) gave her this original painting on slate of her Jamie, well, she was so overwhelmed that she cried and still cry's every time she looks at it.
We know Little Jamie is not long for this side of the bridge, every day is a blessing. The artist caught Jamie's eyes and soul and spirit perfectly and we cannot thank Aunt Gwila enough for this gift for the ages.
I did pretty good this Christmas too. I got my gift from the Christmas Exchange from sweet Lola, and James Dean gave me stuff and my buddy Murphy and Goose, oh my Goose gave us all a gift here at the kennel. We are going to play with toys forever.
But the most exciting thing for me was when I went to the mail box Saturday and there was a box for me. From Austria. I knew immediately it was from my Sweet Charlotte.
Check it out. I have a Christmas Dog all the way from Austria. It sits on my Charlotte Shelf that My Vickie put up for me. It is right over my bed and I get to look at her picture and her cool present all the time.
It may be just for Christmas time but I think I'll leave it out all year.
So things are going pretty good here and we feel very blessed but we have not forgotten all our friends in blogville who need our prayers too. WE are not going to mention them here but just want them to all know we are thinking of them.
Much love from our house to yours.
Bert, My Vickie and the crew.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Somethin Personal
Friday, I was out with my friend Erianne takin a walk. We had such a nice time and when our walk was over, instead of taking me home, her dad and her brought me over to Fort Bueneventura, where My Vickie was waiting.
When I came up over the hill to join her, I got so excited cause a ton of my friends were there and we were all going on another walk.
We played by the river, but My Vickie didn't want me to get in so I didnt' get to swim. It was a bummer, cause Logan and Baci both got to swim.
Annie had to be on a leash whenever we were around the water cause she had just been groomed for her Christmas Company. Me and Annie were promised that next week we could swim.....I guess I can wait.
Besides, the water was ICY cold today. But still no snow to speak of.
Here we are all posing so My Vickie can get a picture of us. From left to right, we have my buddy Oakly, then Tucker and Ty, Annie and Murphy in the back with Goose commin up, Me and Belle and behind Belle there is Baci, Logan and my buddy Jake. They are kind of in the shadows.
Back home at the kennel, I had several guests for the Christmas Holiday. Like little Zoey, who my Vickie has been calling Lexy....can you imagine.
And Max stayed for a bit too. He kept trying to take my ball away. But I have a bigger and stronger mouth so I kept taking it back.
My best human friend Whitney came over with Zero and Cliff. Abby kind of took possession of her, but that is ok, cause I get her every Tuesday when we go to the hospital.
And well, of course, it is almost Christmas Day and My Vickie let me open some of my gifts. I am just the most luckiest dog in the world....I had a blanket of cards and a ton of great toys.
I just want to thank everyone for all the Merry Christmas wishes, all the cards and presents and tell you that tomorrow , I am gonna have some pictures of some very special gifts that My Vickie and I got but now I am just gonna go to bed cause I am really worn out.
Note From My Vickie:
This is a time of recognition of the life of a very important man in our lives. We seldom mention belief and way of life in Bert's blog but at this time I'd like to share with you this:
In our home, we have a beautiful picture called "The Good Shepherd" painted by Nathan Green.
It is a picture that shows a gentle man caring for a small helpless animal. This is the kind of person I would most like to pattern my life after. Loving, thoughtful, tender and compassionate, one who loves all creatures, no matter who or what they are.
Our household loves Jesus Christ and all he stands for and we wish for all of you, the peace that comes with knowing such a man.
Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The Police and My Vickie
The other day My Vickie and I were just hangin out in the office. Some of my friends started barking so we went to the window to see what was up.
We noticed that in our front drive, there were policemen walking back and forth around our little red pick up. They were leaning down and looking closely at the front and side of the old red truck very suspiciously.
WE watched for a while before My Vickie finally got brave enough to go out and ask them what was up.
So the short story is: Someone driving a truck just like ours had hit a jogger the night before. The truck hit the girl and threw her up onto the front of the truck and then after she fell off, she was run over by the back tires.
She was hurt pretty bad. The driver didn't even stop. It was a Hit and Run...
The truck and driver have yet to be found and the girl is home from the hospital but has a broken leg and some bruising.
It reminded My Vickie of the following experince that I will accompany with this gorgious picture of me in My Vickies Search Hat
Readers Digest Version.
They were out and in the truck 10 minutes after the call came and heading for the airport where the plan was to catch a Civil Air Patrol plane to Arizona.
Andy was sitting tall in the seat beside My Vickie and with the shell on the truck and it being 2 in the morning, he almost appeared to be another human at her side.
Not two blocks from the house, My Vickie became aware of a car that seemed to be following her through the quiet dark streets. She would throw in a few turns to see if she could lose her follower, but they stayed close on her tail.
My Vickie started getting very nervous. She made some more turns down the neighborhoods, turns that made it very clear, She was being followed.
My Vickie says at this point, she was so scared that she didn't dare let them follow her all the way to the little back country airport, for fear that who ever it was would attack her in the parking lot. (She has quite the imagination)
So she decided to drive right to the local police station. The car continuted to follow her all the way into the dark deserted parking lot of the police station. (We are talking about a the little town of Washington Terrace PD....a total of two officers on a good day, let alone at 2:30 in the morning)
In the parking lot, My Vickie looked out her rear view mirror hoping the car following her would keep going, but to her dismay, it pulled in behind her.
Then all of a sudden there were three more cars that all came in blocking any chance of getting out, even if she dared try. She was in big trouble. She was trapped.
She figured they were dead. Some gang initiation or something even more dasterdly was about to happen to her and Andy.
She began to cry......when suddenly big bright lights were shining in on her from all directions. Then over a Loudspeaker she heard a male voice commanding
"Put Your Hands on the Wheel and don't move"
It was the police. They had her surrounded and were coming at her from all sides, with guns drawn.
Looking in the rear view mirror, she saw an officer carefully coming up the side of the car with his pistol aimed at the back of her head.....
Tearfully, she spoke as loudly as she could and said
"Don't shoot, please don't shoot, I'm just a girl"
The officer then stopped and laughingly said....."Hey Vickie, is that you?"
Long story short.....Two armed people in a truck that matched My Vickies truck had robbed an all night store just 15 minutes before My Vickie and Andy had left the house.
There was an all points bulletin to stop and detain anyone driving a vehicle that matches the description.
Luckily My Vickie knew one of the officers and they all had a good laugh and sent her on her way.
Little did they know that it scared her so bad, she broke out in tears every few hours for the next two days while she was on the search.
We noticed that in our front drive, there were policemen walking back and forth around our little red pick up. They were leaning down and looking closely at the front and side of the old red truck very suspiciously.
WE watched for a while before My Vickie finally got brave enough to go out and ask them what was up.
So the short story is: Someone driving a truck just like ours had hit a jogger the night before. The truck hit the girl and threw her up onto the front of the truck and then after she fell off, she was run over by the back tires.
She was hurt pretty bad. The driver didn't even stop. It was a Hit and Run...
The truck and driver have yet to be found and the girl is home from the hospital but has a broken leg and some bruising.
It reminded My Vickie of the following experince that I will accompany with this gorgious picture of me in My Vickies Search Hat
Readers Digest Version.
The call out came at 2 am. Thre was a medicine man from the tribe who had been missing for three days and would they fly down and assist in the search. My Vickie grabbed the three day survival pack and off they went. This was when Andy (the collie) was her search partner.
They were out and in the truck 10 minutes after the call came and heading for the airport where the plan was to catch a Civil Air Patrol plane to Arizona.
Andy was sitting tall in the seat beside My Vickie and with the shell on the truck and it being 2 in the morning, he almost appeared to be another human at her side.
Not two blocks from the house, My Vickie became aware of a car that seemed to be following her through the quiet dark streets. She would throw in a few turns to see if she could lose her follower, but they stayed close on her tail.
My Vickie started getting very nervous. She made some more turns down the neighborhoods, turns that made it very clear, She was being followed.
My Vickie says at this point, she was so scared that she didn't dare let them follow her all the way to the little back country airport, for fear that who ever it was would attack her in the parking lot. (She has quite the imagination)
So she decided to drive right to the local police station. The car continuted to follow her all the way into the dark deserted parking lot of the police station. (We are talking about a the little town of Washington Terrace PD....a total of two officers on a good day, let alone at 2:30 in the morning)
In the parking lot, My Vickie looked out her rear view mirror hoping the car following her would keep going, but to her dismay, it pulled in behind her.
Then all of a sudden there were three more cars that all came in blocking any chance of getting out, even if she dared try. She was in big trouble. She was trapped.
She figured they were dead. Some gang initiation or something even more dasterdly was about to happen to her and Andy.
She began to cry......when suddenly big bright lights were shining in on her from all directions. Then over a Loudspeaker she heard a male voice commanding
"Put Your Hands on the Wheel and don't move"
It was the police. They had her surrounded and were coming at her from all sides, with guns drawn.
Looking in the rear view mirror, she saw an officer carefully coming up the side of the car with his pistol aimed at the back of her head.....
Tearfully, she spoke as loudly as she could and said
"Don't shoot, please don't shoot, I'm just a girl"
The officer then stopped and laughingly said....."Hey Vickie, is that you?"
Long story short.....Two armed people in a truck that matched My Vickies truck had robbed an all night store just 15 minutes before My Vickie and Andy had left the house.
There was an all points bulletin to stop and detain anyone driving a vehicle that matches the description.
Luckily My Vickie knew one of the officers and they all had a good laugh and sent her on her way.
Little did they know that it scared her so bad, she broke out in tears every few hours for the next two days while she was on the search.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
YouTube Tuesday
Anna at The Other Side of Anna has been hosting a youtube Tuesday for some time now.
Last weekend, John took Trigger and hiked a 3,000 foot mountain just east of our place, to find some mountain goats.
The day was foggy and bitter cold, but his efforts payed off. Hope you enjoy our youtube Tuesday entry.
Last weekend, John took Trigger and hiked a 3,000 foot mountain just east of our place, to find some mountain goats.
The day was foggy and bitter cold, but his efforts payed off. Hope you enjoy our youtube Tuesday entry.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Roo You Rock
UPS came by our little Kennel this week and brought us the strangest package. Actually it was for me, not Us. Well it was kind of for us, but mostly for ME. It was about 6 inches wide and 6 inches deep and about a gazillion inches high.
We hurried in the house and opened it up and Guess What? There was a Christmas Tree in it. My Very Own Christmas Tree. and it is live so we can plant it in the spring and I will have my very own Christmas Tree all year round.
My lovely friend Roo from Roos doins Heard my cries of unfairness cause we don't have a tree and so she SENT ME A CHRISTMAS TREE. The most beautiful tree in all of Blogville too. And at night My Vickie plugs in the beautiful lights and I get to just sit and stare at it for hours.
Roo, THANK YOU soooooo much. I HAVE A TREE
Everyone at the kennel is jealous so My Vickie brought out Mr Hand-Puppet to distract them from the fact that it is MY TREE and they can't play with it.
Mr. Hand-Puppet is kind of fun. He moves, and talks and grabs your nose. Lexy loves him.
And I think Mr. Hand-Puppet loves her too.
Mr. Goose and I went for a walk Saturday too. I had seen Gooses blog and was making all kinds of fun of him having to wear all those jingle bells. His human went way overboard on the bells this hear. You should check out the silly video on Gooses blog yesterday .
I warned him NOT To bring the bells on the walk cause they make so much noise, and do you know what that goof ball did? He not only brought his bell collar, but he brought one for me to wear.
I was mortified. My Vickie MADE me wear it. But you know, I got to liking that thing. IN fact, I really like it. It sounds so cool as I go running with it.
Once we started the hike, My Vickie took my cool collar off cause she was sure I would get it muddy or wet or something like that. Imagine that....Me getting something dirty or wet.
Me and Goose explored all over in the King Fisher trail area. Goose made jingling sounds as he walked. It was cool hearing it through the brush.
WE found a cool old tree that you can crawl into and sleep if you want. I wonder if some of my two legged friends that live in the area have used this as protection from the elements. It was big enough to sleep in if you wanted.
Goose and I played tug-of-war and frolicked in the river. It was great fun. Goose gets a Little physco with the stick thing though.
Check out the close up below. Scary eyes.....
Then at the river My Vickie found these cool ice designs along the shore of the river.
Pretty cool, don't ya think.
Tons more play and a little more hiking.
A couple of poses in the brush
And a final leap up and over the cliff, and it was time to go home.
I ended the day with a snooze by my Christmas tree and a final prayer for blessings to my new friends that are having such a hard time after a most horrendous loss of loved ones.
Sleep well tonight my friends at Kissa Bull and know you are in all of our thoughts.
We hurried in the house and opened it up and Guess What? There was a Christmas Tree in it. My Very Own Christmas Tree. and it is live so we can plant it in the spring and I will have my very own Christmas Tree all year round.
My lovely friend Roo from Roos doins Heard my cries of unfairness cause we don't have a tree and so she SENT ME A CHRISTMAS TREE. The most beautiful tree in all of Blogville too. And at night My Vickie plugs in the beautiful lights and I get to just sit and stare at it for hours.
Roo, THANK YOU soooooo much. I HAVE A TREE
Everyone at the kennel is jealous so My Vickie brought out Mr Hand-Puppet to distract them from the fact that it is MY TREE and they can't play with it.
Mr. Hand-Puppet is kind of fun. He moves, and talks and grabs your nose. Lexy loves him.
And I think Mr. Hand-Puppet loves her too.
Mr. Goose and I went for a walk Saturday too. I had seen Gooses blog and was making all kinds of fun of him having to wear all those jingle bells. His human went way overboard on the bells this hear. You should check out the silly video on Gooses blog yesterday .
I warned him NOT To bring the bells on the walk cause they make so much noise, and do you know what that goof ball did? He not only brought his bell collar, but he brought one for me to wear.
I was mortified. My Vickie MADE me wear it. But you know, I got to liking that thing. IN fact, I really like it. It sounds so cool as I go running with it.
Once we started the hike, My Vickie took my cool collar off cause she was sure I would get it muddy or wet or something like that. Imagine that....Me getting something dirty or wet.
Me and Goose explored all over in the King Fisher trail area. Goose made jingling sounds as he walked. It was cool hearing it through the brush.
WE found a cool old tree that you can crawl into and sleep if you want. I wonder if some of my two legged friends that live in the area have used this as protection from the elements. It was big enough to sleep in if you wanted.
Goose and I played tug-of-war and frolicked in the river. It was great fun. Goose gets a Little physco with the stick thing though.
Check out the close up below. Scary eyes.....
Then at the river My Vickie found these cool ice designs along the shore of the river.
Pretty cool, don't ya think.
Tons more play and a little more hiking.
A couple of poses in the brush
And a final leap up and over the cliff, and it was time to go home.
I ended the day with a snooze by my Christmas tree and a final prayer for blessings to my new friends that are having such a hard time after a most horrendous loss of loved ones.
Sleep well tonight my friends at Kissa Bull and know you are in all of our thoughts.
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