OK Off Again....
So here we are on Day Three. Hope you are having as much fun as Me and My Vickie are when we put this together.
Today we are going to teach our humans another very important part of going hiking.
You see, most of the small ones just let mom and dad carry the pack with the water, food and camping gear.
They don't want to weigh the kids down with heavy stuff, they just want them to stay on the trail and "Keep Up"
But lets face it........It is soooo easy to get separated from the group. You turn your head to look at a flower, or step in the woods to go to the bathroom, or just not paying attention and WHAM!!!!
Somebody gets lost.
So todays lesson is simple: As Sugar has so wonderfully shown us in the picture above: EVERYONE should carry a pack of some sort....even if it is only a fanny pack.
And Here are some of the most important things to carry in your pack, no matter how small it is.......
Of course, the all important WATER BOTTLE......Do you know how long you can stay alive WITHOUT water? About 3 days. We all need water.....
Also a fun but very useful and tiny thing is a LIGHTSTICK.....(Tomorrow we will tell you why you should carry these things and how to use them)
Definatley an extra pair of socks. "WHY?" you ask do I need extra socks?
Because if you are a human your body heat escapes through your feet and your head. If you were hiking all day your feet will be wet with sweat, plus there are a ton of others things that can happen during the day and a clean dry pair of socks will bring more comfort and warmth than you can imagine. (Check out Shawnee the Shepherd blog today to see where extra socks came in really handy)
You also want a little snack. I like jerky but you can put in anything you want. Probably best to NOT choose something with a lot of salt in it.
A VERY IMPORTANT thing is a BLUE bandana......(Haha, you have to wait to find out why the color BLUE is so important)
And Finally and as important as all the rest is "A WHISTLE" Yep, a good quality really loud Whistle.......(again, tomorrow or the next day we will tell you how to use it and all the ways it can help you.
My Vickie wanted to put in here that her favoirte thing in her pack is Ductape. Does anyone know all the ways you can use ductape while in the wilderness?
Until tomorrow......DON'T GET LOST
Again, more great information! And of course I am now very curious as to the 'Whys' and 'Hows' these can be used. On another note, I have been having trouble leaving comments on some of the Blogger Blogs for about two weeks now...grrr!
BOL that was awesome ! We carry light sticks!! Im cant wait to find out more about the blue bandanna!
The blog comment issue is happening in internet explorer - word on the street is if you use google chrome or firefox you will be fine.
Very good info Bert. My MOM and I are headed hiking this morning, gonna make sure she sees this before we go. Looks like I will be getting a new bandanna!
Lots of great advice!!!
Hi Y'all,
My Human sent feedback to blogger and (see my Sept 30 post) blogger said it no longer supports Explorer. Comments to that entry state that Firefox is not causing problems either.
We are using Chrome now for blogger stuff and staying on Explorer for all our other stuff.
Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Hey Deputy Bert!
Wow, these posts just get better and better! I love these packing items. Light weight, but obviously extremely important. I can't wait to read more.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Mom carries efurrything but the kitchun sink in her backpack, BOL. Thank dogness she had an eggstra pair of dry sawks in there yesterday. You will see why on my bloggie.
Hey Bert,
You're doing such a great job with all the safety tips, we had no idea about all this info!
Can't wait to find out why the bandana should be blue, just relieved it's not pink and I don't have to wear it!! Tee Hee
Have a fun day buddy,
Your pal Snoopy :)
Great post! Thanks yous!
Awesome, just awesome. Mom says you must have to carry a blue bandanna because blue is her favorite color:) Just kidding.
We love how you managed to fit each of us into your post photos. We were so glad to help out.
We are truly loving all of your safety posts.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
I never would have thought about taking a whistle. Very good idea!
We're not sure if we can count the number of ways to use duct tape in the wilderness, but we've got a few ideas.... However, we're very curious about the BLUE bandana. When we hike (not on one the multi-use trails that has street access every 0.5 miles and cell-phone service everywhere) Mom also carries a 1st aid kit tailored to Dad (sometimes he needs special meds) and to us. Now, with the Thundering Herd raising the question of how you carry out a 50lb dog who can't walk, Mom is thinking about what she can add 'just in case' - any suggestions?
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
OK, so a pack, water, snacks, socks, a blue bandanna, socks (we read Shawnee's post first this morning) socks, a whistle oh and a light saber. K. We got it.
Thanks Bert!
Oh and thanks for your special thoughts for Gizmo. He had a hot dog to help out!!
Now that isn't Fair to make us WAIT fur all the other answers.... BUTT Wow is this a Grrrreat post. My mom used to ALWAYS wear a Whistle when she went hunting... Never had to use it... butt better to have it and Not Need it.. than to NEED it and NOT HAVE IT!!! SOCKS... YES, she carried Socks too!!!
Maybe she isn't as dumb as I thought. I'm just sayin.
When I went from IE to Mozilla FireFox... all my blogging troubles cleared up.. I only use FireFox fur Blogging though.
WaaaaahROOOOOO Bert.
My emergency pack doesn't have most of those things, but includes a number of things not on your list, such as an emergency blanket (the silver lightweight kind), matches in a waterproof container, firestarter sticks, twine, and a rain poncho (I'm in the Pacific Northwest, we seriously need rain ponchos no matter what). I do have a whistle in there too though!
My emergency pack doesn't have most of those things, but includes a number of things not on your list, such as an emergency blanket (the silver lightweight kind), matches in a waterproof container, firestarter sticks, twine, and a rain poncho (I'm in the Pacific Northwest, we seriously need rain ponchos no matter what). I do have a whistle in there too though!
Very good advice there - especially encouraging taking extra yummy treats..that I could eat anyway to lighten my human's rucksack load during the hike!
Hi Bert, this is just so fabulous. We can't wait to read tomorrows info. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Gee I gots lots to thinks about now!
Say there Bert how about Blue Duck Tape?
woos, Tessa
Another great post! A blue bandana - hummmmmmmmm
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Woof! Woof! Interesting ... we did not know about the blue bandana and can't wait to find out why blue ... what if I love the color red? Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Wow! More awesome and fun info! Can't wait to find out WHY BLUE?! And we look forward to more cool uses for DUCK TAPE! Great job Bert!
The Road Dogs
I can't wait for tomorrow! This is so fun. It looks like the OP Pack is really into safety, no doubt about it!
Why blue??? Maybe because nothing in nature is blue so it will stand out? That's the only guess that I can come up with...
Wow, never would have thought of socks, but you are absolutely RIGHT! I know I am silly city dog, but what is a light stick? A flash light?
Your pal, Pip
Now we can't wait for tomorrow!!
Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack
Great ideas--we feel safer already!
We need to start packin' more safety items with us on them long hikes. The only thing we always have is a bandana--but usually a pink one, because it looks so good on these tough dogs!
Great post!! Mommy's got a big and LOUD whistle in the car. Can't wait to dear what the inportance of the blue banadana
{{{huggies}}}....Mona & Weenie
Oh my - this is just great, we think we may know why the blue bandana, but wouldn't have thought of it forst. Louis has a proper doggy back pack, he had it as a distraction to keep him working instead of barking at the slightest thing that moved but it's very handy for carrying. On to todays post now, thanks again Beet, dex and Lou xxx
Great tips!! Keep 'em coming Bert!!!
I always carry jerky, water (for me and the dogs) and a whistle if I go hiking, but I really ought to take socks and a bandana too! Heh.
Here I am Here I am :D
Is the light stick something I can chase in the dark when I'm bored cause I'm lost and all alone? I'm thinkin that would be really good fun! Hmmmmm...what's inside the light stick? If I bite it, will it ooze glow stuff all over me? ;)
You are doing a marvelous job on this! Again great info and so much fun to read! :D
Waggin at ya,
More great info. Good to see the OP Pack helping you out on this one. :)
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