Saturday, June 18, 2011


Dear Hamlet

I been thinking of you and your family all weekend.  I know that soon, if not already, you will be walking among the clouds watching over us.  I havn't known you long but from the very first time I read about you I felt a true kindred spirit.  Be at peace my friend and blessings to the family who took you in and loved you with so much life force that you were able to stay among us so much longer than imagined.



Boondocks Love Shack Pack said...

So beautifully said!

Boondocks and Kudzu

Whisppy said...

That's a very nice tribute to Hamlet.

Golden Samantha said...

The movie keeps buffering and we can't see it after a few mins. but what a lovely tribute to such a special dog and dear Kim. Beautifully penned!
Hugs xoox
Sammie, AValon, Oz and Mom

Tweedles -- that's me said...

This is so beautiful.
I am a friend of Golden Pines.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Bert, that is a beautiful, beautiful tribute!

Duke said...

What a beautiful tribute post, Bert!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sagira said...

Aww..what a sweet video for your friend.

Tracy said...

I loved your tribute to your friend. I too had that emotional connection to Hamlet the first time I read about him and was praying so hard for his recovery and then for his peace.
It's difficult for all of us to lose a friend and I'm glad you could share your thoughts...
hugs to you!

Amber-Mae said...

OH what a beautiful tribute to Hamlet! LOVE that video. It's so sweet. I am sure Hamlet is enjoying himself at the Rainbow Bridge. He is probably chasing squirrels up there right now.

Meeka said...

That is very sweet of you. I too have only known Hamlet not too long ago and yet I feel like I've known Kim and her rescues for a long time.

NCmountainwoman said...

What a beautiful tribute. Kim has been much on my mind as well. How awful that she lost Tanner so recently, then dear Hamlet and now Rudi. I cannot imagine the grief which must be overwhelming. I'm sure your lovely video will give her some comfort.

rottrover said...

Bert, that was beautiful. Butt you made Mom's eyes leak...

KC said...

Oh that is so beautiful. Loved seeing the dog, in shadow, throughout the video.
That is so clever and makes it even more special.


~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I'm sorry that I'm late getting here, but I know you understand. I cannot begin to tell you how beautiful and touching the video is. I watched it twice--my husband and I watched it together a 2nd time. We imagine Hamlet in such a place filled with tranquility and all the beauty in your video. Thank-you for your tribute to him, and thank-you for your friendship, your kind and comforting thoughts that have made a difference because you've shared Hamlet's loss with us.


Always good to have a new cyber paw pal around. Dog Dad loves being around dogs, especially collies. As you can tell our lives have been ruff this past month. Our cyber paw pals helped us a lot with this ruff patch in life.

Dog Speed

Essex & Dog Dad

KB said...

I have been thinking of Hamlet too. You said it beautifully. I've been thinking of Kim too, with the loss of another dog just around the corner. It seems like almost too much to bear.

I wish that I could've watched the frolicking moose... but my darn internet is toooooooooo slow.