Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saturday at Canine Country Club

First let me say that My Vickie has gotten some of our computer problems fixed, but the blogging part is still on the back burner.  We have to find a server who can hook us up to a higher speed and that is becoming the problem.  WE live in an odd area it seems.

But since we were able to finally get onto blogger we thought we would take a minute and show you what happens here at Canine Country Club on Saturdays.
Since the computer Crash, Keily had to spend hours and hours re-entering  our client data. 
Thank goodness she is a happy worker.
Rocky works hard doing a real down and dirty clean up each weekend of all the sleeping and play areas.  That is a big job.

Me, Well, I make sure all our guests get all the playing they want.  I take my job very seriously.

So while KC and Scrappy take a nap you can check out this slide show of how our place looks in the fall on a Saturday Workday. 

A Note to say that the music my Vickie chose for this video is (of course) John Denver. She was on a  search in the San Juan Mountains in Colorado..  My Vickie and her dog then, Andy... found the missing man and as they were making their way back to the Command Post, they came across this camp site full of people who had come up on horseback.

She was invited to stay the night there but instead she caught a ride on a helicopter back to the CP.  It wasn't until she was back at the CP that she learned that John Denver was in the camp that she was invited to stay at.  Oh man, does she ever regret missing out on that.  It was also the night he wrote this song.

Enjoy.  (PS. dont waist your time trying to read the captions, they go by too fast.   WE gotta work on that)  Click Here for faster download


GOOSE said...

Dude Saturdays are just as fun as week days. Looks like the big guy can actually give you a run for the money. I saw you got taken down a few times. hahhaha. Hope to see ya soon.

KB said...

Wow, it looks like you have a blast, Bert. You always have someone to play with... It looks like Shyla's look-a-like is there. Give her an extra pat from me.

That's quite a John Denver story... so close.

rottrover said...

What a way to spend your Saturday! What fun!

Bart and Ruby

The Furries of Whisppy said...

You guys have so much fun at the CCC! That big white guy sure has looooongg legs!

Millie and Walter said...

That big guy really had fun playing with you. I love the shots of the mastiff (I think that's what he is) playing with the water coming from the hose too.


georgia little pea said...

Does this mean you're John Denver fan, Ms Vickie?

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

That looks like a super game of bitey-face!

Sankissjuice said...

I think Canine Country Club must be very close to Heaven for these doggies. They were having such a good time. And the people who work there seemed really happy too. Vickie must be a great boss. And I really can't think of a reason to be sad when around our sweet Bert. Just looking at your face makes me happier.

Have a wonderful Sunday!


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Looks like everyone is having a fantastic time.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Duke said...

We loved the video and mom will miss John Denver until the day she dies. He was so gifted and died way too soon.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Finn said...

SAturdays are no joke!!! Enjoy your SUnday too Bert!

Unknown said...

What a great way to spend a Saturday Bert and what fun. Have a super Sunday.
Best wishes Molly

How Sam Sees It said...

Awesome slide show - we didn't hear any music, but that might have been us? I'm not sure.

We are glad your computer problems are slowly being fixed!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Bert I really wish that Ernie and I could come to your Country Club. There is so much fun stuffs going on there all the time... butt WAIT... I furgot about ALLRED... Maybe we better not try to come afterall.
So sorry that your Vickie Missed meeting John Denver.

The Army of Four said...

You are REALLY good at your job, Bert! I think everyone there must have a great time!
Play bows,

Donna said...

I hope ur Internets is better soon! :)

Murphy said...

Looks like fun on a Saturday. If we knew you were having so much fun me and Stanley would have ridden our horses over!

And about missing John Denver, now that sucks!

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

Suka said...

hey Bert,

What busy Saturdays at your place! Keily and Rocky look like pawsome workers to have and I hope they got some yummy treats for all their hard work! But I think I like your job the bestest! How fun to make sure all your guests are having the time of their lives! Rex is a cutie and looks like great fun to play with. :->

So sad your mom missed out on John Denver. What an amazing experience that would have been. He wrote some great songs.


Two French Bulldogs said...

Mom says HBO words at computer problems. Cute people's over there
Benny & Lily

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Bert (hehe we nearly typed Beer!) What a wonderful home you have. Sharing it with all your friends and making them feel so welcome and loved. Everyone looks so happy. Sorry about your Vickie missing out on meeting John Denver. Thanks for your video. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are sure it is a lot of hard work to keep that country club going, but you sure know how to make it look like fun.

Hope you can get everything all sorted out. We loved seeing your beautiful photos.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

NCmountainwoman said...

Oh, I LOVED the video. I just know Ellie would have a ball there. She loves to play and plays well with others. Lucy? Well she isn't much for places where she cannot be the center of attention...little princess that she is.

Unknown said...

What a great Saturday! Yous guys sure knows how to has a great time!

Bassetmomma said...

Boy Bert, you always look like you have so much fun and so many friends to play with!

2browndawgs said...

Sure looks like a busy and fun place!

snoopy@snoopysdogblog said...

Hey Bert,

That's a shame your Vickie missed out on seeing John Denver - doh!!

Love your slide show, you all work really hard, but I think you've got the best job buddy and you clearly do it very well!! :)

Wags to all,

Your pal Snoopy :)