Monday, November 26, 2012

Kansas is Finally Safe

From My Vickie:

I am going to take over Berts post today
as I have some sad news
and since Bert is all about
"Happy Times" he is not able
to say what needs to be said.

This Fall has been a difficult time for our little clan. 

IT seems to be true that things come in 3's.

Losing Sweet Jamie two months ago
(that's one)  was just our beginning. 

This last weekend we said goodby to my kitty Bailey.
She was 20 years old and as life would have it,
her kidneys failed and we helped her take
her trip over the bridge.  (Thats 2)

And now we fear that Allred has taken his final
Walk-a-bout. (That's 3)
It has been over a week since he left,
and he has never been gone this long before. 
I only hope and pray that he is somewhere
safe and will find his way back to us,
but the reality is that the wildlife in our
area are not very cat friendly.

We have searched all of his old haunts,
have looked everywhere we can think of
but there is no sign of him.

We all wait each night, hoping he will
make his usual vocal entrance after a
day of hunting, but it still remains
so quiet in our house.

We leave a light on and hope he will
"Be Coming Home For Christmas"

For now we are going to take a little blogging break,
at least for posting, but we will still
be reading and commenting on our friends.
We are just kind of sad.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are very sad for you too. But let's not give up hope yet. Maybe he will still come back. We are going to cross our paws for Allred to be OK. You know we have never believed him to be the bad boy at all. Hugs to all of you from us.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom

Sue and Doug said...

so very sad for is hoping that Allred will come back to you :*(
hugs to you and your clan!

kissa-bull said...

my heart is absolutely breaking you your pack. i pray with all my heart that he comes back to you. i have it seems hundres of candles in our house for my doggie lightings and i will light one for allred tonight and will keep it lit so he can come home.

Anonymous said...

We know he gave Bert fits, but missing your bestest pal is hard, make sure Bert knows we are crossing our paws for Allred.

Your so sad Furiends
Susie & Bites

georgia little pea said...

I'm so sorry , Vickie. That is a lot of sadness to contend with in a few short months.

To have had Bailey for 20 years is a big chunk in any one's life so I'm sure you're missing her a lot. As for AllRed, my heart just went THUMP! reading your post. I'm not a cat person but I'm very fond of your feral with his big attitude and a tube in his head. He just got better too. I'm hoping for the best, that he'll be getting cold soon and be home long before Christmas.

Till then, take care. A BIG HUG X

GOOSE said...

Even though we joked around with Allred I sure will miss him. He was the one cat I had total respect for. I hope he comes back and if he does I will not complain if he bops me a few times. As for Bailey, well I enjoyed watching her and I will miss that. Hugs to you and Bert.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh no, we are sorry
Benny & Lily

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

So sorry to hear that Allred has gone exploring..... for a little too long! I hope it has a happy ending. Hugs to all,

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Murphy said...

Aw, we are sorry to think Allred will not be home for Christmas. We know you have a soft heart so take whatever time you need. But the weather has been pretty good so there's a chance he might still show up with a new story to tell. We hope so.

Your Friends In Search of Santa Paws,

Murphy & Stanley

Laurie in Iowa said...

We're so sad for you all.

Millie and Walter said...

So sorry to hear about Allred. There must be something in the air as my sister's two cats have not returned to their home for a few days too.


Anonymous said...

I'll keep looking... just in case.

What Remains Now said...

I'm so sorry this has happened. I too hope that Allred will show up. Thinking of you. Hugs.

White Dog Blog said...

It has been tough, yes, but we believe in miracles. Let us not give up hope. Allred is a tough scrappy kitty and can be a bit single-minded. We are sending White Dog woos for him to hear and understand and return home. To you and your pack at home we send positive energy filled with the hopefulness of this season...and patience and strength.

Carol said...

Oh we hope he comes back home, we will keep him in our thoughts and pray he finds his way back home.

The silvers and more

Anonymous said...

Oh no, Allred...

Don't lose hope. My white orangey kitty once disappeared for over a month! But mom finally found him again! She says it was a miracle. I am saying a lot of prayers that this will happen for Allred too.

KB said...

Oh, Vickie, Bert, I am so sad for you. I love your Allred, and I really really hope that he struts back through your door. We will be thinking of you... With hugs from all of us.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Golden Prayers ... he will come home soon, for sure. Golden LOVE. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

The Furries of Whisppy said...

We are going to stay positive that Allred WILL come home very soon to terrorize the dogs.

A Day In The Life Of A Goose said...

Oh my goodness...I will desperately cross all of my paws and toes and hope that dear Allred is safe and just trying to make you worry!! I only lost my best friend a few weeks ago and do not wish that kind of sadness and tears on anyone else, but especially not my friends! Sending lots of licks and hugs to all of you!!

Leigh said...

Thinking of you and all paws crossed here that Alfred does return safe for Christmas. Sending hugs to your family for the loss of your dear ones - Magic & family xx

How Sam Sees It said...

Sending hugs. We will say a prayer that he comes home, safe and sound.


Teddy said...

Vicki can celebrate 20 years with Bailey, and praying Allred comes home.

Dexter said...

Oh Allred,
I am so very sad to read this. You always lived on the edge. I hope you find your way home again. My heart breaks.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sad to read this and I hope Santa will bring Allred back home...

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Dis news breaks our hearts. Hopin' and prayin' dat Allred finds his way home to you. We will keeps an extra light on fur him.

Blessings and Love,
Maggie Mae and Max

Cinnamon said...

We pray that he comes home way before Christmas. Someone has to knock the Christmas decorations off the tree.
xo Cinnamon

Collie222 said...

If you haven't changed the cat litter yet, but some outside. The scent from the used litter can sometimes help lost cats find their way home again.

You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Our hearts are with you. Whereas the first two losses were at the end of lives well-lived, Allred's disappearance just seems so tragic. We too are crossing our paws that he will still turn up.

The Poupounette Gang

stellaroselong said...

We are so very sorry for all your just seems to make your heart crack harder each time it happens...goose's mom told me last night something that helped us all sleep a little better and I am going to share it with you. She said to remember their passion and if they were doing what they enjoyed the most then that would maybe help losing them...sammers of course was running crazy all over when he got lose, and of course allred's was traveling around visiting everyone. Sending you a hug and prayer!
stella rose

Val said...

Paws crossed for Allreds return. WE had a tom cat named Elmer, he would be gone for weeks. So you gotta believe!!

Matilda the Boxer said...

We will keep our paws crossed that Allred comes home soon!

Cowspotdog said...

After having furbabies in my life for the past 50 years - one thing I have learned is never let the sorrow of loosing one over ride all the years of joy of having them in your life bought. I have had many 'wild' cats in my time and the longest one went walkabout was 3 months - we also discovered he had 3 "other" homes that he frequented. Never give up hope and never let sadness override your joyful memories.

TimberLove said...

All our prayers, peace to you & yours,

RA, Isis & Nanük

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We didn't realize that Bailey had crossed the Bridge. I'm so sorry. She had a very long and happy life with you. We'll be saying some extra prayers for Allred too. He may just be spending some time with his girlfriend for the holidays. Hope he's home in plenty of time to open his Christmas presents.

Anonymous said...

Oh Bert buddy, I am so sorry. I hope he finds his way home too. Thinking about you and your Vicki.

Unknown said...

Don't you worry guyz! My mother and I have COMPLETE faith that Allred will come back and ask why you were so worried!


The Army of Four said...

Oh no! I'm so very sorry! We didn't know about Bailey - what a wonderful, full life she led, but oh, how we know that means she'll be extra missed.
We won't give up hope on Allred. We will pray for his safe return.
Sending you lots and lots of love,
Play bows,

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Kirsten (peacefuldog) said...

Oh gosh I'm so sorry. But a kitty cat like Allred may just be taking a long wander on his own before he comes back. Big hugs and warm wishes to you all. You come home now Allred.

Pippen said...

Our paws are crossed for Allred and Bailey is in our thoughts and prayers as are you and your family.

Sam and Pippen

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Tina said...

Oh no, I hope Allred is ok. I'm so sorry though, at least Jamie an Bailey had great long lives. I think too sometimes it's better to cram a lot of sadness into a short period of time so you can grieve and move on, as opposed to being dealt continuous blows year after year. I'm so sorry and will be thinking of you.

Duke said...

We will cross our paws that Allred will return to you soon.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Blueberry's human said...

I am so sorry for your losses. I will continue to pray that Allred is safe and comes home. Hang in there and don't worry about not blogging for as long as you need the break. It's completely understandable.

Hugs and licks (the licks are from Blueberry and Linus cause humans licking other humans, usually not sanitary.) ;)

Bassetmomma said...

You all have had such a rough time this fall. I am so sad to hear about Allred and hope he finds his way home safe and sound!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Oh, we hope he's just visiting one of his 'other' families. Sometimes cats have several.

You have had a sad time lately. Paws crossed that Allred comes home.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Dachshund Nola said...

I'm so sad and sorry for you.
If it helps, my kitty sister was gone for nearly 3 months before she turned up (unharmed) at our local shelter. So don't loose all hope!!!

Smile With Your Tail said...

Bert, such awful news. We pray and hope Alfred comes back to you. We are sending our love across the pond to you and your vickie.


Sagira said...

We are sad to know that our friends are hurting. I am so very sorry to hear about your loss. I can't even imagine loosing in such a short span of time. Our hearts and thoughts are with you.

Mr. Logan and Ms. Baci said...

We are so sorry. We're crossing our paws that Allred appears.

Anonymous said...

Dear Vicki & Bert,

I am sooo sorry to hear that Allred has not come home, but I know how cats can be so just maybe...If it's not to be then you all know you were wonderful to a basically free cat, you gave him love and help when needed and let him go when he needed. You are wonderful animal caregivers. Know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Take care,
Lucy (silent MOD Troy, Ohio)

Wyatt said...

So sorry to hear of Allred's disappearance. We cross our paws and say a prayer for him.

Wyatt and Stanzie

Ziggy Stardust said...

I am so sorry to read this. I am hoping that Allred is just out there having a "walk-a-bout" and will be back soon. It is so hard to lose our friends, I have been there and I understand. Hugs to all of you. I hope you feel better after a break, you will be missed.

Anne and Sasha

2browndawgs said...

Oh no this is indeed sad news.

Patrice and Higgins said...

:( Such sad news. My paws are crossed that Allred is just on an extended vacay and will be back very soon and back to his usual mean self!


haopee said...

Oh my gosh! This is awful... One week already... where in the world has he gone to this time? I hope it's not a protest against something...

Oh Bert and My Vickie... we pray that Allred will come home soon.

Huggies and Cheese,


The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

May-b Allred iz just takin'a break tue. We r so furry much sorry we haz not commented b-4 - timez git so bizy. We r prayin'an'sendin'sum guiding vibez we hope will bring Allred bak b-4 Christmas.
Shiloh'n The Diva Shasta

From the mom - Truly sorry so much sad time is in your life rite now - we also talk about things happening in 3's - but I pray Allred is NOT your 3. I keep praying and hoping that the day will come when I sign on to blogger and there will be a post from you sayind Allred is home, safe and sound - and I pray that happens soon - even if we do live in Kansas.

NCmountainwoman said...

Oh dear...and just when I had come to love Allred. Here's hoping that he is somewhere around and will return to you. So sorry to hear the news.

Scooter said...

Oh Bert! I am so sad to hear all of this about your pack. No wonder you are all full of sadness and want a break. Just know we are all thinking of you and sending you love. I will be crossing my paws and hoping so hard that Allred returns asap. My pack is sending lots of love and warm vibes to your pack, my good furiend.
Grr and a Sorrowful Woof,
Sarge, Furiend

The Daily Pip said...

My paws are crossed tight that he will be home soon! When my assistant was a child she had a cat that disappeared for two months. Everyone thought he was gone and then one late night there was a scratch at the window and he was home. Don't lose hope!

Pip & Kristin

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Vickie, we have paws crossed Allred will be home for Christmas but he might have decided to go and see Jamie and Bailey. If he has, you take comfort he is with loving family. Gentle hugs to you all. Take care. Love Stella and Rory (and Carol x)

Unknown said...

Allred is in my thoughts and prayers. You all are.

snoopy@snoopysdogblog said...

Oh Bert and Vickie,

I'm so sad to read this - please come home Allred…..

Your pal Snoopy :)

Mazzie @ Mazzie Takes Manhattan said...

Oh, Vickie!!!! All of that sadness so recently and now to wonder and worry about Allred. Mazzie and I will keep you and Bert in our thoughts and prayers and picture nothing but Allred coming home to you in our hearts and minds. We are thinking of you. Much love - Mazzie and Tanya

Unknown said...

Oh Dear,
I am finally catching up on reading and saw this! Our hearts are broken and we are praying for Allred's return. Alas, we know all too well what can hhappen when a new cat asserts dominance in an older cat's territory.
We sends lots of kisses
Nellie's Mom, Nellie, Kozmo and the hairy slobbery Sisters Bob and Cinnamon

Missy@dawsondogs said...

I hope that he makes it home for Christmas. We will keep hoping for you.

Sweet William The Scot said...

I am so sorry you are sad. I will pray that he comes home soon. Dropping by to Thank You for the lovely Christmas card.
Sweet William The Scot

NanaNor's said...

Dearest Vickie, I am so very sorry for your losses. I know how deeply you love your four legged critters and to lose one is difficult but to lose three almost impossible.
I was so excited to get your card but reading this my heart hurts for you.
Lots of love and hugs.
Noreen & Hunter

My Mind's Eye said...

OH NO Bert and Miss Vickie we are so very sorry about Bailey's passing. I wonder if perhaps Allred was missing Bailey and went looking.
We will surely keep you and Bert in our thoughts and prayers and hope Allred finds his way home soon.
Hugs Madi and Mom

Sheila and Bob said...

We are so very sad to hear this news, We are praying a Christmas Miracle will occur .

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

In the rush of my life, I don't get to keep up with reading blogs like I want to, and I read your post today, and found my way to this one that I missed this week. I am so, so sorry to read bout the losses you've had and especially that Allred has not come home. I will hope that if he's still 'out there' that he's safe, and warm and finds his way back to you.

On the flipside, I really did enjoy your post today. The wolves are beautiful, and what a beautiful place you call home. Thank-you for sharing it and your memories too. Take care and know that I'm thinking of all of you and sending prayers for inner peace as you look for your beloved Allred.

Declan said...

We are so sorry about all these sad events and our thoughts are with you. Mum is a big Alred fan. She says he is the image of her first pet - a tabby called Fred. We are sending positive thoughts and hope for his safe return. Deccy x