Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Another Hint on my location and Whats Happenin at Home

boy, you guys had some good guesses as to where I am sequestered.  They Were:
Brighton, Utah...Colorado...Nebraska....Alaska.....
Austria.....Canada....Swiss Alps....

No Winners Yet So here are Two Hints

Something in the picture below will tell you more about the terrain. (You have already guessed Snow)

plus I am sequestered in the United States...
Also, as you can see, Me and My Vickie are having a great time.  Today we made a huge snowman out of the snow on the porch.  Hiked along the (Hint Hint) big lake(s) just across from the cabin, and had baked beans and canned spam for dinner.  (YUCK)

 Back at home, My Buddy James Dean had to say goodbye to a good friend.  You might remember Jake the red bone hound that was found wandering west of town, all starved and bony.   Well, James Dean and his loving family fostered Jake until a new home was found.

 My Vickies bestest friend from way back when, drove all the way up from Farmington New Mexico to Ogden Utah to pick up Jake and take him home.  Now My Vickie says a dog can do no better, than to live with Laurel and Jay so she was very excited when they called her and said they would love to adopt him.
 Today James Dean and Jake said their final goodbyes.  It was a good farewell, not a sad one, cause Jake is getting a second chance at life....
 There was only one little tiny glitch in the whole thing and that was Chico.....Chico is not 100% sure he wants Jake to move in with them.
 But, I hear, after a seven hour drive home, where they both had to share the back seat of the car, Chico finally made peace with the idea that a big eared, drooling hound dog was moving in and there wasn't much he could do about it.
 I missed the chance to play with our visitors this week cause I am Sequestered, but they sent us some pictures to share.  This is Mayzie.  She is really tiny but a lot of fun, or so Scrappy says...

Below is Annie, she is kinda quiet and sleeps a lot.
 And John was able to get some cool bird pictures.   Like our white robin.  She and her bird hubby have been living near us for about three years.  It is always a treat to see them.
 And he also met up with a very beautiful bald eagle.  They come here during the winter and catch fish west of us, then fly up into the mountains to the east of us to spend the night.  We don't often get the chance to see them just a hangin out.
 And finally, just a little reminder to my sweet Charlotte, that We are still going to the dance.....even though I am being sequestered.  My Vickie has worked something special so I can still be a judge in Mango Minster.


Unknown said...

Dear Bert, me is happy yous gets to go to the dance.
Me is quite looking forward to it!

GOOSE said...

I don't think it's fare if I guess where you are. So I will wait and see what others come up with. Miss ya buddy. But I know you are having a blast.
I am so happy for Jake. MOM really is happy. She really liked him a lot.
Hope to see ya soon.
OH one more thing I have something for you on my blog.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Bert, we has no ideas where you are, but will be glad when you gets home and goes on long walks again. xoxo

Meeka said...

The cabin from the previous post and the lake, I'm guessing you're in south lake tahoe.

2browndawgs said...

Great news for Jake. He sure is cute. Just love coonhounds. I bet he has a great life.

Looks pretty where you are, (except for the Spam :)).

Dexter said...

Hey Bert! Maybe you can just wear a blind fold to the dance and ear muffs. See no contestants, hear no contestants, right?

That is a super duper snowmanperson. I am impressed.

Now, where the heck are you? And will you make it back in time for best in show?


Catherine said...

Oh goodness ~ I was behind over here! Look at your pretty snowman! Good job! I have no idea where you are but it sure looks like you are having fun. Travel safe sweet pup!
xo Catherine

The Thuglets said...

We are a hopless case...we have absolutely no idea where you are! LOL
So happy that Jake has got a new forever home.
Have fun where ever in the world you are!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Patrice and Higgins said...

I do not have a clue where you are!! I BOL at Chico's picture!! I can just imagine that car ride home!!!! BOL!!!!


Finn said...

Big Lakes - I am going Michigan?

Curt Rogers said...

I'm going to guess that you're in the U.P, the upper peninsula of Michigan, which is where Ken is from. :) Tell me I'm right! :)

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

HoooooRaaaaay fur Jake!!!
Now about that snow THINGY... BAH

Where are you? I'm thinkin Lot's Of Lakes means Michigan.

A WHITE Robin??? Is the hubby White Too? Is that Normal?


Cowspotdog said...

That was some snowman you made - I hope you didn't getfrost bite on your paws.

Yay for Jake !!! A new forever home.

What sweet new friends you have, Mayzie is adorable

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Bert, we tried so hard and couldn't find you. We were on the same scent like a lot of other dogs saying your by the Great Lakes. We will guess you are at a cabin by Lake Superior since it's a "Big" lake. By the way, the snowman looks pawsome!

How Sam Sees It said...

We can't guess! Where are you, Bert?


Petsami said...

Hooray for Jake getting adopted! Give him our congrats if you talk to him.

Ryker said...

Wow, alot is going on with you. If you were in Alaska I'd know about it and we'd be having a great time together. So unfortunatly scratch Alaska off the list.

We are very happy for Jake and Chico.

Dandy Duke said...

Are you in Vermont, Bert?

Love ya lots,

The Daily Pip said...

Are you near one of the great lakes - Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin? I know you are not in IL because we don't ahve any snow!

Your pal, Pip

The Army of Four said...

Wow! Well... we have snow... but not enough to make a snowman. Hmm.... I'm still thinking!
The white robin is so beautiful! We've never seen one! And the Bald Eagle - so strong! So majestic! We just LOVE him!!!
Play bows,

Scooter said...

Hey Bert!
Wow, I'm going to have to guess you are at the Finger Lakes in NY! Hmmmm. Maybe not. BTW: Love those birdies! They're pawesome!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Bert, we haven't got a clue where you are so we aren't much help. We are so glad your friend Jake has found a forever home. He looks so sweet. Poor little chico will soon learn to love him. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

KB said...

I am very happy for Jake!!! Wow, what a great story. You had a lot of cute visitors this week... I'm sorry that you missed them Bert.

A white robin! Wow! And a bald eagle just perched where you could get a photo. Double Wow! I saw a bald eagle soaring over us while we hiked recently but it was too fast for a photo.

I'm getting out my map to figure out where you are...

Maggie Mae and Max said...


We is so happy fur Jake!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

PeeS We have no idea where you is either, but as long as you is havin' fun, it's all good. ;)

Ziggy Stardust said...

Bert, you seem to be at peace and that is a good way to be with the big job you have ahead of you. I will attending the dance with the most handsome Remington and since I am not a contestant in the Minster this year, I am hoping we can chat. I am dreaming that you are on Mackinac Island in upper Michigan(I live in Michigan). It is a most peaceful place away from the world and secluded, a perfect place to meditate.

licks and sniffs Sasha

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Minnesota? It's famous for all its lakes. And snow.

We never heard of a white robin. She's quite beautiful. Are the males colored the same?

Jed & Abby

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all,

Bert I'm going with Jed and Abby...is it the Land of Lakes? Minnesota?

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog